Revisions to Rules 62-210.200, 62-210.300, 62-210.310, 62-210.550, and 62-210.900, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)

The purpose of this rule project (OGC No. 17-0890) was to amend Rules 62-210.200, 62-210.300, 62-210.310, 62-210.550, and 62-210.900, F.A.C.

The revisions:

  • created an Air General Permit (AGP) for Asphalt Concrete Plants; and
  • revised the Facility Relocation Notification form (DEP Form 62-210.900(6)).

Clarifying and corrective revisions to existing rule language in Rules 62-210.200, 62-210.300, 62-210.310, 62-210.550, and 62-210.900, F.A.C., were also made.

Important Documents

Final Rule Revision, effective July 3, 2018

Notice of Proposed Rule, published in the Florida Administrative Register, April 26, 2018.

Notice of Rule Development, published in the Florida Administrative Register, October 27, 2017.

Last Modified: Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 - 03:46pm