Revisions to Rules 62-296.412, 62-296.418, 62-296.470, 62-296.500, 62-296.512, 62-296.600, and 62-296.700, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)

This regulatory project (OGC No. 18-1259) repealed an obsolete and outdated rule, clarified the geographic scope of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's (Department’s) Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) rules, and accomplished miscellaneous regulatory cleanup.

Specifically, the Department:

  • repealed Rule 62-296.470, which had been superseded by federal standards;
  • revised Rules 62-296.418, .500, .600, and .700, to specify the areas of the state where the rules are applicable;
  • revised Rule 62-296.412, F.A.C., to delete outdated provisions; and
  • revised Rule 62-296.512, to remove a reference to a test method for a pollutant that is not regulated by the rule.

Important Documents

Final Rules, effective August 14, 2019

Notice of Change, published in the Florida Administrative Register, July 3, 2019.

Notice of Proposed Rule, published in the Florida Administrative Register, May 15, 2019.

Notice of Rule Development, published in the Florida Administrative Register, February 13, 2019.

Last Modified: Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 - 03:46pm