The purpose of the regulatory project (OGC No. 18-0030) was to revise Rule 62-210.700, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), Excess Emissions. The amendment, effective April 4, 2018, postponed the sunset date in subsection 62-210.700(6), F.A.C., relating to excess emissions, from May 22, 2018 to May 22, 2020. A Notice of Rule Development for Rule 62-210.700, F.A.C., was published on October 27, 2017, under OGC No. 17-0890. That rulemaking package was subsequently divided into two rulemaking packages to ensure that the revision to Rule 62-210.700, F.A.C., was completed before the May 22, 2018 sunset date. The other five rule sections from the Chapter 62-210 regulatory project, under OGC No. 17-0890, will be proposed in a separate Notice of Proposed Rule.

Important Documents

Final Rule Revision, effective April 4, 2018

Notice of Proposed Rule, published in the Florida Administrative Register, February 15, 2018

Notice of Rule Development, published in the Florida Administrative Register, October 27, 2017

Last Modified: Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 - 03:46pm