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One of the department’s goals is to determine the quality of the state’s surface and ground water resources. This is primarily accomplished through several water quality monitoring strategies that are administered through the Water Quality Assessment Program (WQAP).  Responsibilities of the program, include:

  • Monitoring and assessing how water quality is changing over time,
  • Monitoring and assessing overall water quality of the state’s water resources,
  • The effectiveness of water resource management,
  • Monitoring for protection and restoration programs.

Water quality monitoring and assessment provided by the WQMP is the cornerstone for the department in achieving its goals. The WQMP includes three major groups that implement different components. They are the Watershed Monitoring Section, and the Regional Operation Centers. 

The Watershed Monitoring Section (WMS) implements the monitoring design and assessment of the statewide Status and Trend Monitoring Networks. The Watershed Assessment Section (WAS) develops the monitoring plans and coordinates with Regional Operations Centers  to execute the Strategic Monitoring Plan with the goal of collecting sufficient data for use in the assessment and determination of impairment based on the methodology in the Impaired Waters Rule (62-303, F.A.C.). Other sections in DEP use data collected by the ROCs to identify which waters are impaired and what should be done to restore them. The success of these plans is dependent upon accurate and representative data. In support of carrying out the goals of the department’s monitoring and assessment strategies, the WQMP generates several types of documentation and reports including the Integrated 303(d)/305(b) Report, which represents one of the most comprehensive data collection efforts in the nation and provides the reader with substantial information regarding the quality of our waters. 

 The information produced from WQMP monitoring activities provides the basis for advising the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), relevant DEP programs, partner agencies, and the Governor and Legislature on the status of Florida’s water quality.