The Office of Technology and Information Services (OTIS) provides IT support services to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s divisions and offices in Tallahassee as well as its six regulatory and five park districts distributed across the state. The role of IT is to help DEP program areas improve business processes and effectively support business change. To fulfill this role, IT must be properly aligned with agency business objectives. Therefore, OTIS and DEP’s business areas work jointly to develop IT strategies, exemplified through the projects listed in the IT WorkPlan.

OTIS oversees a range of technology services that help DEP address business needs. OTIS manages the department’s communications and networking infrastructure, messaging systems and enterprise databases. OTIS also provides application development and maintenance services; geographic information systems support; an enterprise service desk; IT contract management and procurement services; project management and business analysis; and IT strategic planning and technical standards oversight.

DEP continues to make investments in IT solutions to drive innovation, improve consistency and develop more efficient business processes. OTIS strives to make the most out of every dollar through careful planning, coordination, risk analysis and outcome-focused decision making.