Marshy Wetland at Dawn

The Division of Water Resource Management (DWRM) is responsible for implementing state laws providing for the protection of the quality of Florida’s drinking water, ground water, rivers, lakes, estuaries, wetlands and the reclamation of mined lands.

The division is composed of several programs that perform water facilities regulation along with operational support services and functions. The majority of division staff is located in Tallahassee; however, the Mining and Mitigation, Oil and Gas, Phosphate Management and Onsite Sewage programs have staff operating in satellite offices throughout the state.

The division serves as Florida’s central point of contact for federally delegated water programs, such as National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Drinking Water, Underground Injection Control (UIC) and the assumed State 404 Program, and has regulatory oversight of certain functions of water and wastewater facilities throughout Florida. These facilities include industrial and domestic wastewater, septic tanks, NPDES stormwater, power plants, municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) and public drinking water systems. The division is also responsible for permitting phosphate mineral processing facilities and associated phosphogypsum stack systems, the environmental resource permitting of mines and mitigation banks and coordinates the interagency review and certification for building, operating and maintaining power plants, transmission lines and natural gas pipelines.

We continue to work toward safeguarding Florida’s water resources and enhancing natural systems through partnering with local communities, and providing a more certain, consistent and effective regulatory process.

Water Resource Management Programs