Land and Recreation Grants Section

The Land and Recreation Grants Section promotes programs that foster partnerships to enhance and sustain Florida’s natural and cultural resources, and provide increased outdoor recreational opportunities for Florida’s residents and visitors.

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Land and Recreation Grants Section Fact Sheet

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Stan Mayfield Working Waterfronts Capital Outlay Grant Program

A state funded grant program that provides financial assistance to commercial saltwater products or commercial saltwater wholesale dealers, retail license holders, or seafood houses for the development of working waterfronts through fixed or operating capital outlay projects.

Funding is provided to support the commercial fishing industry, including infrastructure for receiving or unloading seafood, for the purpose of supporting the seafood economy.

Florida Communities Trust, Parks and Open Space

The preservation of green space, including parks, open space, beaches and natural areas, is an important factor in creating livable communities. This state land acquisition grant program provides funding to local governments and eligible nonprofit environmental organizations for acquisition of community-based parks, open space and greenways that further outdoor recreation and natural resource protection needs identified in local government comprehensive plans.

Florida Communities Trust, Stan Mayfield Working Waterfronts

Provides state funds for the acquisition of interests in land for the restoration and preservation of working waterfronts directly used for the purposes of commercial harvest of marine organisms or saltwater products by state-licensed commercial fishermen, aquaculturists, or business entities, including piers, wharves, docks, or other facilities operated to provide waterfront access to licensed commercial fishermen, aquaculturists, or business entities.

Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program

A competitive, state-funded grant program that provides financial assistance to local governments for the acquisition or development of land for public outdoor recreation. Eligible participants include all county governments, municipalities in Florida and other legally constituted local governmental entities with the responsibility for providing outdoor recreational sites and facilities for the general public.






Land and Water Conservation Fund

This federal grant program, funded by the U. S. Department of the Interior's National Parks Service, provides for the acquisition or development of land for public outdoor recreation. The program works in partnership with federal, state and local efforts to protect land in our national parks, national wildlife refuges, national forests, national trails, and other public lands; to preserve working forests and ranchlands; to support state and local parks and playgrounds; to preserve battlefields and other historic and cultural sites; and to provide the tools that communities need to meet their diverse conservation and recreation needs.

Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program

Funded through the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program, this nationally competitive program grant program provides assistance to economically disadvantaged urban communities with no, or almost no, access to publicly available, close-by, outdoor recreation. These awards help underserved communities address outdoor recreation deficits by supporting projects in cities and densely populated urbanized areas that create new outdoor recreation spaces, reinvigorate existing parks, and form connections between people and the outdoors.

Readiness and Recreation Initiative Grant Program

This federal grant opportunity provides Land and Water Conservation Fund Program assistance for the acquisition or acquisition and development of compatible recreation facilities on public lands within a Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Partnership Agreement area. The REPI Program secures land adjacent to military bases to serve as buffers to development, enhance recreational access, protect at-risk species, and improve resistance to impacts from climate change and severe weather events. 

Recreational Trails Program

A federal grant program funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration that provides financial assistance for the development and maintenance of motorized and nonmotorized recreational trails, trailheads and trailside facilities. The program's mission is to advance the development of diverse, high quality trails and greenways through collaboration, education and financial assistance. 


Sustainable Initiatives Programs

Sustainability is achieved by meeting the needs of the present population without compromising the ability of future populations to meet its needs.

Florida's Sustainable Initiatives, the Florida Green Lodging Program and the Florida Green School Designation Program, are voluntary, non-regulatory designations that promote sustainability in businesses, schools, and homes to assist in protecting Florida's environment. 


 Division of State Lands Recurring Statutorily-Required Reports and Publications

Division of State Lands Statute and Rule References