Funding for control of water pollution from nonpoint sources is managed by the Nonpoint Source Management Program. Nonpoint source pollution, unlike pollution from industrial and sewage treatment plants, comes from many diffuse sources, including [[{"fid":"36723","view_mode":"preview","fields":{"format":"preview","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Non Point Source group staff","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"Non Point Source group staff"},"link_text":null,"type":"media","field_deltas":{"1":{"format":"preview","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Non Point Source group staff","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"Non Point Source group staff"}},"attributes":{"alt":"Non Point Source group staff","title":"Non Point Source group staff","height":200,"width":200,"style":"float: right;","class":"media-element file-preview","data-delta":"1"}}]]


The program administers both the Federal Clean Water Act Section 319(h) grants administered through the Environmental Protection Agency (also known as “319 Grants”) and the State Water-quality Assistance Grants (also known as “SWAG”). The goal of these grants is to reduce nonpoint source pollution from land use activities. Total funding amounts available each year in these two grant programs depends on federal and state appropriations, but is approximately $8 million.

    How to Apply

    Project proposals may be submitted anytime throughout the year. Department review and evaluation periods are expected to occur as needed or following an open solicitation for proposals. If the project is not funded in the current selection cycle, it will be considered in the following cycle with no need to resubmit (unless there is a need to update the proposal). If your project is not selected within the current state fiscal year, the proposal will need to be resubmitted for evaluation.

    Submitting Project Proposals

    Solicitation notifications will be sent via our email listserv or through the Protecting Florida Together website each year. Enter your email address in the “Sign Up” section below to receive Division email notifications, along with the "Interested in Updates" prompt at the bottom of the Protecting Florida Together website. Complete the Nonpoint Source (NPS) Project Proposal Request in the Protecting Florida Together grants portal during the open solicitation period or contact the grant coordinator to get a Word version of the proposal questions outside the solicitation period. Proposals submitted outside of the open solicitation period should be completed and submitted with applicable supporting documents electronically to the grant coordinator.

    If you have any questions or need further information, please contact the grant coordinator.


    Financial assistance is available to Florida's local governments, including county and municipal governments, special districts, water management districts, other state agencies, public universities/colleges and national estuary programs located in Florida.

    Eligible projects include, but are not limited to:

    • Demonstration and evaluation of best management practices (BMPs).
    • Nonpoint pollution reduction in priority watersheds (e.g., areas with water quality restoration plans, etc.).
      Example includes treatment of impaired waters.
    • Green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) / low impact development for stormwater.
    • Ground water protection from nonpoint sources.
    • Public education programs on nonpoint source management ("319 Grant" only).
    • Septic to sewer projects ("319 Grant" only).
      Examples include laying the lateral for the residence/business to the sewer main, the connection to the sewer, installing a grinder pump/station on residents property and abandonment of the septic system if the septic tank would be a continued source of pollution.

    More Information

    Program Resources

    Useful Websites

    Contact Us

    Please see Nonpoint Source Management Program Contacts webpage for program contact information.

    Sign Up

    To sign up for future announcements from the Division of Water Restoration Assistance on the availability of water quality restoration grants and other water project funding, please enter your email address below.

    Email Address