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2024 Florida Ongoing Data Requirements Final Annual Report


On June 12, 2024, pursuant to the ongoing data requirements of the EPA's DRR in 40 CFR 51.1205, the department submitted the final annual report to EPA for the areas around two DRR-applicable sources in Florida that EPA designated "Attainment/Unclassifiable" for the 2010 one-hour sulfur dioxide (SO2) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) based on modeling of actual SO2 emissions. The two sources subject to the ongoing data requirements are:

  • Jacksonville Electric Authority’s (JEA's) Northside Generating Station.
  • WestRock CP, LLC’s Fernandina Beach Mill (WestRock).

The DRR requires that these areas be reviewed annually to document the annual SO2 emissions of each applicable source in each such area and determine whether additional modeling is needed to characterize the air quality in any area.

For additional information, please contact Elizabeth Rogers.


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Adoption-by-Reference Summary Table

Adoption-by-Reference Summary Table of Code of Federal Regulation updates in Rule 62-204.800, Florida Administrative Code, for the period December 2021 through October 2022.

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Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Air Quality Modeling Best Practices

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection Division of Air Resource Management is reviewing the PSD Air Quality Modeling Best Practices document. The document is intended to assist applicants in preparing a PSD air quality impact analysis as part of a PSD permit application in Florida. It is recommended that applicants follow this document and consult early and often with the Air Modeling Group to ensure a smooth application process.

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2024 Hillsborough-Polk Verification of Continued Attainment Final Annual Report

On June 12, 2024, the department submitted the final annual review of emissions data and air dispersion modeling parameters for Mosaic New Wales and Mosaic Bartow, which verifies continued attainment of the 2010 one-hour SO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for the Hillsborough-Polk maintenance area in accordance with section 175A of the CAA. This report includes:

1) The status of ongoing compliance with the SO2 emission limits for the Mosaic New Wales and Mosaic Bartow facilities.

2) A review of annual emissions data for these facilities.

3) A review of the air dispersion modeling inputs and assumptions identified by EPA as a result of coordination with the department.

4) A certification that there are no changes in the air dispersion modeling inputs and assumptions that could result in a modeled violation.

5) All supporting documentation and data evaluated by the department to prepare its annual report.

The final annual report addresses the items listed above to demonstrate that the Hillsborough-Polk maintenance area continues to attain the 2010 SO2 NAAQS.

For additional information, please contact Elizabeth Rogers.

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