The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Northwest Florida Water Management District (NWFWMD) are dedicated to the protection of Floridians and our natural resources. In March 2017, DEP and NWFWMD began reaching out to Bayou Texar community residents to provide information on additional steps being taken in the state’s ongoing groundwater assessment efforts in the area.
Due to known historical groundwater contaminants in the Bayou Texar area, DEP and the NWFWMD implemented controls to restrict consumptive, irrigational and recreational use of groundwater. As part of ongoing monitoring, and to identify potential additional contamination sources, DEP conducted monitor well and private irrigation well sampling in the area in April and September 2017 and July 2018. Currently DEP has sampled 64 monitor wells and 53 irrigation wells in neighborhoods located adjacent to Bayou Texar. For a copy of the ground water sampling results, please contact Jeff Newton at 850-245-8955 or at
A majority of the monitoring wells and some of the irrigation wells indicate impacts from historical industrial activity in the area, and the need for further groundwater assessment.
As a result of ongoing collaborative efforts by EPA, DEP and NWFWMD to ensure the protection of nearby residents, site contamination does not currently pose a threat to people living and working nearby. Nearby residents are served by a public water utility, which is providing water that is treated and tested to ensure it meets federal safe drinking water standards.
To support the need for further assessment, DEP continues to reach out to residents in the area with private irrigation wells requesting authorization to sample those wells. Beginning the week of Sept. 24, 2018, DEP representatives will be in the Bayou Texar area to sample additional irrigation wells. While in the area, DEP staff also will be conducting outreach to residents offering to test irrigation wells and answer any questions as needed. 
For convenience, we have created an online survey where residents can submit important details on their well type, usage and indicate their willingness for their well to be included in our sampling plan. In addition, residents with irrigation wells may contact Jeff Newton at 850-245-8955 or at to schedule a time to have their wells sampled.
This new data will provide important updated groundwater quality information to ensure continued protection of residents and inform them of ongoing remediation efforts.
What is the source of the historical groundwater impacts in the Bayou Texar?
The department is aware of groundwater contamination in the area resulting from operations at the Agrico Chemical Company and Escambia Wood Treating sites. The Agrico Chemical Company site was a fertilizer manufacturing facility from 1889 to 1975.
The Escambia Wood Treating Company site is located less than 1,000 feet to the northwest of the Agrico site and includes the 26-acre former facility where the Escambia Wood Treating Company manufactured treated wood products from 1942 to 1982.
Since that time, EPA, DEP and the NWFWMD have been a part of ongoing assessments to protect nearby residents and the environment from contamination stemming from historic agrichemical production activities at the site.
As additional information regarding the outcome of the Bayou Texar Groundwater Quality Study becomes available, it will be posted on this webpage.
Frequently Asked Questions 
April 2017 Bayou Texar Groundwater Quality Study Work Plan
Additional background on the Agrico Chemical Company and Escambia Wood Treating sites:
Find more information on the Agrico Chemical Company Superfund site
Find more information on the Escambia Wood Treating Superfund site


Last Modified: Monday, Jun 12, 2023 - 11:19am