The Hazardous Waste Program issues permits to facilities that treat, store or dispose of hazardous waste.

DEP is responsible for implementing the hazardous waste regulatory portion of the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act in lieu of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency throughout Florida.

Permitting is done in the department’s Tallahassee office. The district offices conduct compliance monitoring and enforcement activities of hazardous waste generators, transporters and treatment, storage and disposal facilities. Solvent recovery operations, printers and laboratories are examples of hazardous waste generators.

Hazardous waste facilities are required to have an EPA identification number unless they are a conditionally exempt small quantity generator.

Florida’s hazardous waste facilities are required to follow Chapter 62-730 in the Florida Administrative Register. In addition to the rules mandated by EPA and DEP, local governments may have their own regulations and ordinances as well.

Learn more about DEP'S Hazardous Waste Regulation Section.

Last Modified: Monday, Mar 20, 2023 - 10:35am