Waters with Site Specific Alternative Criteria

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Water Body and Classification


Type I Site Specific Alternative Criteria

For SSACs with seasonal limits, the default criteria in Rule 62-302.530, F.A.C., apply at other times of the year.


Amelia River

Segment between the northern mouth of the river and the A1A crossing. Class III(m).

Dissolved Oxygen of 3.2 mg/L as a minimum during low tide from July 1 through September 30, and not below 4.0 mg/L during all other conditions. The 24-hr. average shall be greater than or equal to 5.0 mg/L. Applies July 1 through Sept. 30th.


Crystal River Canal System

Portions of the Main Channel, East and West Canals. Class III(f).

Dissolved Oxygen of 0.1 mg/L as a minimum.  Applies year round.


Everglades Protection Area

As defined in Section 373.4592(2)(i), F.S., and includes Water Conservation Areas 1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, the Arthur R. Marshall National Wildlife Refuge, and Everglades National Park. Class III(f).

Note: this SSAC applies to fresh waters within the described area.

Dissolved Oxygen shall be evaluated based on an algorithm that uses sample collection time and water temperature to model the observed natural sinusoidal diel cycle and seasonal variability. This model provides a lower DO limit (DOL) for an individual monitoring station and is described by the equation:

DOLi = [- 3.70 – {1.50 • sine (2π/1440 • ti) – (0.30 • sine [4π/1440 • ti])} + 1/(0.0683 + 0.00198 • Ci + 5.24•10-6 • Ci2)] – 1.1


DOLi = lower limit for the ith annual DO measurement in milligrams per liter (mg/L)
ti = sample collection time in minutes (Eastern Standard Time) since midnight of the ith annual DO measurement
Ci = water temperature associated with the ith annual DO measurement in °C

Compliance with the SSAC is assessed based on a comparison between the annual average measured DO concentration and the average of the corresponding DO limits specified by the above equation.   Applies year round.

Palm Beach




Fenholloway River

From river mile -0.1 to river mile 3.5. Class III(m).

Iron - No more than 10% of the iron measurements in this reach of the river shall be above 1.06 mg/L. Applies year round.


Hillsboro Canal Tributary

Belle Glade - canal receiving wastewater discharge from Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative Labor Camp #3 (NW corner Section 11, Range 37 East, Township 44 South, on NE side of Hillsboro Canal). Class IV.

Dissolved Oxygen of 2.6 mg/L annual average with 0.3 mg/L as a minimum.   Applies year round.

Palm Beach

Holmes Creek

From the confluence with Little Creek to the SR 277 Creek crossing. Class III(f).

Dissolved Oxygen of 4.0 mg/L as a minimum from June 1 through September 30.



Myrtle Slough

SSAC 1 - In sections 19, 29, 30, 31, and 32, Township 40 south, Range 24 east.  Class III(f).

SSAC 2 - Between stations 1 and 3 as identified on the image.  Class III(f).

SSAC 1 - Dissolved Oxygen of 2.5 mg/L, applicable June through September.

SSAC 2 - Dissolved Oxygen level of 1.5 mg/L annual average with normal daily, seasonal and climatic fluctuations including natural excursions to a minimum of 0.1 mg/L.  Applies year round.


Peace Creek Canal

Lake Wales SSAC –South from SR 60 to the western section line of Section 15, Township 30 South, Range 27 East.   Class III(f).

Winter Haven SSAC - Downstream from SR 60.  Class III(f).

Lake Wales SSAC - Dissolved Oxygen of 3.0 mg/L as a minimum.  Applies year round.

Winter Haven SSAC - Dissolved Oxygen of 3.0 mg/L, maintaining normal daily and seasonal fluctuations. Applies 3 miles downstream from SR 60 for June, July and September, and 5 miles downstream during August.


Spring Creek

Headwater to River Mile 2.5. Class III(f).

Dissolved Oxygen of 2.5 mg/L as a minimum.  Applies year round.


Thomas Creek

Including tributaries, from its headwaters to the downstream location where Thomas Creek becomes predominantly marine (1500 mg/L chloride concentration), at N 30.56603 latitude,

W -81.72888 longitude.  Class III (f).

Annual average Dissolved Oxygen of 2.6 mg/L, with no more than 10 percent of the individual Dissolved Oxygen measurements below 1.6 mg/L on an annual basis.



Turkey Creek

Including tributaries to the confluence with the South Prong of the St. Marys River, and the South Prong of the St. Marys River (including tributaries) from its headwaters to U.S. Route 90. Class III(f).

Annual average Dissolved Oxygen of 3.0 mg/L, with no more than 10% of the individual Dissolved Oxygen measurements below 1.35 mg/L on an annual basis.  Applies year round.


Withlacoochee River

(Northern) (River Miles 19-25). Class III(f).

Dissolved Oxygen of 4.0 mg/L as a minimum from June 1 through October 30.



Water Body and Classification

Type II Site Specific Alternative Criteria

For SSACs with seasonal limits, the default criteria in Rule 62-302.530, F.A.C., apply at other times of the year.


Fenholloway River

From river mile -0.1 to river mile 3.5. Class III(f & m).

The annual average compensation depth for photosynthetic activity for phytoplankton shall not be decreased greater than 44.3 percent from background conditions as determined by an annual average compensation depth of at least 0.66 meters at river mile 0.53 (station F06). This value must be based on a minimum of 12 measurements during times when the average flow at Cooey Island Bridge at river mile 7.15 (USGS gage 02325532) measures less than 200 cubic feet per second. Applies year round.


Fenholloway River (Nearshore)

Coastal waters (Apalachee Bay) as spatially defined by the coordinates (83° 49' 29.95" W, 29° 59' 38.70" N), (83° 45' 3.61" W, 29° 57' 22.10" N), (83° 47' 23.50" W, 29° 54' 5.01" N), and (83° 51' 45.47" W, 29° 56' 25.71" N). Class III(m).

The average of the growing season (May 1 – October 31) average light (as photosynthetically active radiation between 400 and 700 nm) at 1 m depth at stations F10 (83° 47' 6.60" W, 29° 57' 4.20" N) and F11 (83° 48' 27.00" W, 29° 57' 38.40" N) shall be 36 percent or more of surface values based on a minimum of 12 measurements and will only apply during years in which the growing season average flow at Hampton Springs Bridge (USGS gage 02325000 near Perry) is less than or equal to 60 cubic feet per second (after subtracting flows from permitted point sources).


Orange County

Eastern Water Reclamation Facility discharge wetlands. Class III(f).

PH of not greater than 8.5 standard units.   Applies year round.


Pace Swamp

The freshwater forested wetlands located primarily in Township 1 North, Range 29 West, Section 19, near the City of Pace

pH shall not exceed 7.0 standard units in more than 10 percent of the measurements collected in a calendar year, nor vary below natural background.

Santa Rosa

St. Johns River

Marine portions of the Lower St. Johns River and its tributaries between Julington Creek and the mouth of the river. Class III(m).

Dissolved Oxygen not less than a minimum concentration of 4.0 mg/L, and a Total Fractional Exposure not greater than 1.0 over an annual evaluation period as defined by the following equation:

Total Fractional Exposure = (Days between 4.0 and <4.2 mg/L÷16 day Max) + (Days between 4.2 and <4.4 mg/L÷21 day Max) + (Days between 4.4 and <4.6 mg/L÷30 day Max) + (Days between 4.6 and <4.8 mg/L÷47 day Max) + (Days between 4.8 and <5.0 mg/L÷ 55 day Max)

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Last Modified: Thursday, Oct 13, 2022 - 03:38pm