The map below contains locations in the Suwannee River Basin (for the Withlacoochee, Alapaha, and Suwannee Rivers) where DEP collects routine samples for the Trend Monitoring Network, or in response to an event such as a wastewater spill.

Trend Network Stations are stations sampled monthly for the trend monitoring network. More information on the goals of the trend monitoring network can be found on the program’s website.

Event response stations indicate locations where DEP, Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD), or the Florida Department Of Health (DOH) have conducted additional monitoring in response to an incident (such as a wastewater spill) where elevated levels of bacteria may be present.























Sampling Results

Select the link below to download a table of all results from January 2016 to present. Analytical results for samples collected will be added as they become available.


The excel spreadsheet includes analytical results for samples collected. Values in bolded red text indicate that Escherichia coli levels exceeded the surface water quality standard of 410 MPN/100mL for Class III fresh waters. NA indicates sampling was not associated with a known spill event. Not all the data are useable calculations; "qualified" data are reported results that come with cautions (remark codes2) about how they should be used and interpreted.

2Remark Codes Remark Code Definitions:
A   A - Value reported is the arithmetic mean (average) of two or more determinations.
J   J - Estimated value.
O   O - Sampled but analysis lost or not performed.
Q   Q - Sample held beyond normal holding time.
U   U - Analyzed for but not detected.
TNTC 3TNTC (Too Numerous To Count) indicates too many bacteria colonies were present for accurate counting.









Health Advisories

Water contaminated with elevated fecal bacteria presents several health risks to humans. Microbes in fecal bacteria can cause gastrointestinal issues and other conditions for some people. Event response monitoring locations are sampled as needed in response to spills, overflows and other potential concerns in order to evaluate water quality conditions. These data are shared with the DOH who may use the results to issue public health alerts. For more information about the potential health effects Floridians are encouraged to contact:

Madison County:

Hamilton County

Communications Office

Wastewater Incidents

Wastewater incidents, or other spills or discharges, which may occur as a result of a storm event are reported to the Florida State Watch Office. As quickly as conditions permit, DEP works with other agencies to inspect reported incidents to assess impacts, cleanup status and inform any additional response.

In the event of a wastewater spill in Florida, our response is threefold:

  1. Work with facilities to identify any releases and ensure they are stopped as quickly as possible.
  2. Gather and analyze information surrounding the circumstances of the reported incident to evaluate it from a regulatory perspective to determine if there were any violations.
  3. Identify any further corrective actions needed, including solutions to avoid further discharges. 

In most instances overflows are the result of loss of power, broken lines or the inflow capacity of the system being exceeded due to heavy rain and flooding. 

If a surface waterbody is impacted by a sanitary sewer discharge, DEP works with the responsible party to ensure water quality sampling is performed as appropriate (such as if the impacted waterbody is used for recreational purposes, etc.), until it returns to normal conditions prior to the discharge. These sampling results are submitted to DEP as part of its review of the incident and regulatory jurisdiction over the wastewater facility. 

The department and Florida's water management districts will also continue to collect and evaluate data collected through routine monitoring efforts to determine any long-term trends or effects. 

Last Modified: Wednesday, Jul 05, 2023 - 08:20am