Title Type
Item 7 - 2023 Rural and Family Lands Protection Program Project Acquisition List Publication
Item 7 - Aquaculture Water Column Leases in Franklin County Publication
Item 8 - Syfrett Ranch Inc. - Conservation Easement Publication
Item 8 - Sharkbite Seafood Aquaculture Lease Publication
Item 8A - Heart Bar Ranch - Rural Lands Protection Easement Publication
Item 8B - Rainey Pasture - Rural Lands Protection Easement  Publication
Item 9 - Adams Ranch, Inc. - Conservation Easement Publication
Jeffry T. Wren Aquaculture Water Column Lease Publication
June 12, 2024 Board of Trustees Agenda and Attachments General Content
June 12, 2024 Board of Trustees Revised Agenda Publication
Liberty Tillman, LLC - Conservation Easement Publication
LTL Real Estate Holdings, LLC, Lee A. Lightsey, Tracy V. Lightsey- Conservation Easement Publication
Lykes Bros., Inc. - Conservation Easement Publication
March 26, 2024 Board of Trustees Agenda and Attachments General Content
March 26, 2024 Board of Trustees' Agenda Publication
March 29, 2022 - BOT Agenda Publication
March 29, 2022 - BOT Agenda Publication
May 23, 2023 BOT Agenda Publication
May 23, 2023 BOT Agenda Publication
Minutes from the March 13, 2023 BOT Meeting Publication
Renumbered Item 2A - JAMCO - Sovereignty Submerged Land Exchange  Publication
Ru-Mar, Inc. - Conservation Easement Publication
September 18, 2023 Board of Trustees Agenda and Attachments General Content
September 18, 2023 BOT Agenda Publication
Substitute Item 4 - Walton County School Board - Exchange Publication