The Florida Geological Survey uses basic geological research data and maps to generate, analyze, interpret and disseminate geologic and hydrogeologic data and information to decision makers at all levels of government, academia, the consulting community and the public at large.

Such data is generated through scientific research supported by state, federal and other agency grants and conducted by section scientists, frequently in collaboration with other scientists in the university system, state and federal agencies, and the private sector with close supervision by the section's project managers. This approach continues to produce unbiased, scientific information about Florida's environment, its water resources and ecosystems. Information is used in making land and water use decisions by local and state agencies and by serving as topics for perusing graduate degrees in the environmental and earth sciences.


Current Geologic Research

Map of Florida Geomorphology Regions without Text

NEW: Geomorphology Atlas

Outcrop in Upper Alapaha Conservation Area, Hamilton County, Jan 2014

Geologic Mapping

Current Hydrogeologic Research

Florida Geological Survey - Geochemistry Lab Study, 2000


Silver Glenn Springs, Ocala National Forest, Marion County, May 2013

Karst Studies

Florida Geological Survey Bottom of Devil's Ear Spring, Gilchrist County, Oct 2008

Aquifer Studies