The first step to getting a new project or boundary amendment approved and eligible for acquisition is by submitting an application. Complete applications submitted to the Division of State Lands (DSL) are reviewed by staff and prepared for vote by the Acquisition and Restoration Council (ARC).

ARC develops the Florida Forever Priority List and therefore determine which lands are eligible for acquisition. If a project is put on the Florida Forever Priority List, it becomes eligible for acquisition by the State of Florida.

There are two application cycles per year for new project proposals. New project proposals have two submittal dates every year: April 15 and October 15.

Unlike new project proposals, boundary amendments may be considered throughout the year. Boundary amendment applications must be received at least 60 days before a scheduled ARC meeting.

Florida Forever Applications

Florida Forever Applicant Webinar

The purpose of the webinar is to provide guidance and answer questions concerning the Florida Forever application process, application requirements and the Florida Forever Goals, Measures and Criteria. Eligible participants include all federal, state and local government agencies, conservation organizations, interested landowners and private citizens. 

Recording now available from the September 20, 2023 webinar. 

Last Modified: Friday, Feb 16, 2024 - 01:29pm