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2600 Blair Stone Road, Room 603
Tallahassee, FL 32399
United States


The Department of Environmental Protection is offering Help Sessions for the development of your 2019 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR).

CCR Help Sessions are hands-on workshops for the development of your CCR, which is a required annual report detailing your water quality to customers. Due to limited space, these sessions are intended for small to medium systems (population under 10,000) but are available, on a space available basis, to larger systems as well (larger systems see Note #1 at bottom of document).

To reserve a space, contact Mary Jehle at or 850-595-0676 or Lexie Woodson at or 850-595-0640. Registration is requested at least two weeks prior to the session and some fill up fast.

As an alternative, the Department can provide you with a computer printout of your 2019 data. If you prefer to receive a printout and do not feel that you need the hands-on assistance of a Help Session, please contact the Department at the numbers above. The draft 2019 CCR template and directions may be obtained in the near future at

The Department recommends a review of your CCR prior to its distribution to consumers if you do not attend a Help Session. It is advised that you have your draft to Mary Jehle by April 15, 2020 to allow enough time for the review and delivery process. Mark your document "Draft" and mail to the address in the letterhead or email a copy to We offer this service in the hopes of alleviating mistakes ahead of time so that your CCR does not have to be reissued after-the-fact.

Electronic delivery methods are available to all systems and the EPA CCR Delivery Options & Guidance document is available at Please contact Mary Jehle or Lexie Woodson if you need further information.

As a reminder:
- CCR distributed to the consumers by July 1, 2020;
- CCR provided to the Department by July 1, 2020;
- Certification of Delivery (CoD) forms must be provided to the Department by August 10, 2020;
- For systems that provide water to other systems: Compiled data/required info shall be provided to any public water system which received water from your system and to the Department by April 1, 2020 or have a written agreement with those systems and deliver on a later date. Additionally, if you provide water to another system, a special CoD is also required. (Consecutive systems see Note #2)

Note #1: If your water system is a large system - population over 10,000 - a separate letter/email is attached to give you specific guidance/help concerning the development of your 2019 CCR. Contact the numbers above for more information.

Note #2: Please note that if you are a consecutive water system, the chemical data for your table and basic CCR information will be provided by your supplier water system by April 1, 2020 unless a later date is agreed to in advance and in writing. Therefore, we ask you don't register for Help Sessions earlier than March, as your data won't be available to you. Your deadline for delivery for your CCR to your customers is still July 1, 2020. In general, with some exceptions, you will use their data but will use your own bacteriological, asbestos, disinfectants/disinfection by products (D/DBP), lead and copper tap sample results and chlorine. Contact the department as noted above to obtain data not provided by your supplier water system or to attend a Help Session.

Contact Name
Jehle, Mary
Contact Phone
Last Modified: Thursday, Oct 03, 2024 - 09:44am