The Coral Rescue Team is responsible for the development of a reef-tract wide coral collection and housing plan to ensure an appropriate number of individuals from affected species are held in captivity for future reintroduction to the wild. The Coral Rescue Team is also responsible for coordinating the stepwise implementation of this plan, including soliciting partners and collaborators for these efforts.

The Coral Rescue Monitoring Dashboard below summarizes current Coral Rescue Team efforts. It includes a map of collection locations, the number of colonies rescued, and the distribution of housing facilities. 

Association of Zoos & Aquariums - Florida Reef Tract Rescue Project (AZA-FRTRP)

Since 2019, the Coral Rescue Team has been partnering with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) accredited facilities across the United States to house and maintain corals for gene banking and propagation for potential future restoration activities. With its extensive network of leading experts in animal care and welfare, AZA facilities are providing invaluable support to the coral rescue and bringing hope to Florida’s Coral Reef. As of October 2020, the majority of rescued corals (over 1,700 corals) have been placed in homes at 18 facilities in 12 states. To learn more contact Beth Firchau, AZA-FRTRP Coordinator,



Team leads: Lisa Gregg ( and Jennifer Moore (

Last Modified: Wednesday, Feb 14, 2024 - 10:39am