A comprehensive data management implementation plan is necessary to deliver appropriate and timely information to field staff, research staff, and managers of the Coral Disease Response Effort. As part of the Data Management Team (DMT), staff from the Florida Fish & Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) Center for Spatial Analysis (CSA) in St. Petersburg, FL address data access, storage, analytics, and visualization. Synthesized data products are generated to guide response actions such as field coordination and resource management decision support.

The Data Management Team works directly with the other disease response sub-teams to provide guidance and develop solutions. Needs of the larger response effort are addressed by assembling representatives from each sub-team for regularly scheduled meetings to understand common data management requirements, collection of new datasets, and connectivity between disparate datasets.


  • Inventory existing capacity
  • Identifying priorities of focus for the near and long-term
  • Create a plan using existing capacity to address the priorities
  • Identifying areas to expand capacity
  • Synthesize multiple data streams for management decisions

The Data Management Team created and maintains a holistic coral data management framework. This includes coral-specific data (location, genetic, monitoring, reproductive, outplanting), environmental data, and additional relevant information. The team continues to provide solutions for spatial data and non-spatial data entry, storage, access, and visualization. This has included the development of web applications, dashboards, photo uploading capabilities, data sharing tools, assistance in data mining, and creation of web pages. The team also assists partners with data entry tools, summary reports, data visualizations, interactive maps, outreach products, data portals, and more.

Publicly available data management solutions are available through the ArcGIS Hub link - https://coral-disease-myfwc.hub.arcgis.com/

Coral Disease Intervention Dashboard


Coral Rescue Monitoring Dashboard 


Team leads Nick Alcaraz (nick.alcaraz@myfwc.com) and Rene Baumstark (rene.baumstark@myfwc.com)

Last Modified: Wednesday, Feb 14, 2024 - 10:39am