Folio Numbers beginning with:

0000-2999 3919-3955
3000-3699 3956-3979
3700-3734 3980-3999
3735-3764 4000-4024
3765-3799 4025-4049
3800-3845 4050-4074
3846-3860 4075-4099
3861-3879 4100-4122
3880-3899 4123-4144
3900-3918 4145-4199
  4200 & Higher

Please note:  If your strap number is not listed, you may contact Collier County Records at (239) 252-5730 or send an email to to request a determination or copies of determinations done before 2011. A fee is required.

Last Modified: Thursday, Jan 25, 2024 - 02:31pm