Beneficial Uses Of Wastes

The department has received numerous requests to use various solid waste materials as products or raw materials in the manufacturing of other products, rather than dispose of them in landfills. Examples of some solid wastes that have been proposed for use are: (1) recovered screen material (RSM) from processing construction and demolition debris; (2) Waste-to-Energy (WTE) ash from combusting municipal solid waste (MSW); (3) coal ash from power plants; (4) wood ash; (5) street sweepings; (6) sand blasting media; and (7) metal shredder residue (MSR). These requests are generally handled on a case-by-case basis.


The applicant needs to demonstrate that the proposed use of these wastes will not cause ground water or surface water contamination in concentrations above the department's standards or criteria. Usually the applicant also needs to show that the proposed use will not pose an unacceptable human health risk. On occasion, the Industrial Byproducts Exemption of Section 403.7045(1)(f), Florida Statutes may apply. Guidance documents for obtaining approvals to use WTE ash and RSM, and reports on other wastes are available below.


Use of Old Landfills

The department has received requests on how to properly manage wastes from old landfills when they are discovered. In addition, there are often questions about what one should consider when constructing near or over old landfills. In some cases, Rules 62-701.610(7) and 62-701.610(8), Florida Administrative Code will apply. The department has also developed a guidance document for these situations. This document is available below.


The department issued a letter on November 13, 2003, to all 67 counties requesting their assistance in compiling comprehensive data on the locations of old landfills for each county, and making it available to the department. DEP intends to consolidate all available information into a statewide registry of landfills that will be made publicly accessible on the internet.


Last Modified: Tuesday, Oct 29, 2019 - 02:01pm