Biennial Report Information

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) requires the EPA to develop a program for hazardous waste generators to report the nature, quantities, and disposition of hazardous waste generated at least once every two years. In addition, RCRA requires treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDFs)  to submit a report on the wastes that they received from off-site. The Biennial Hazardous Waste Report, also known as the "Biennial Report", was implemented in 1985 to comply with these requirements.

The reports are due by March 1st of every even-numbered year for the activities that occurred in the previous odd-numbered year. The 2023 Biennial Report cycle for generators began on Wednesday, January 3, 2024. Late submissions must be mailed to:

Biennial Report Coordinator
Hazardous Waste Program MS 4560
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
2600 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400


Who Must File

Each of the following activities requires the filing of a Biennial Report in Florida. Non-Florida facilities will need to contact their appropriate state agency

  1. Your facility was a RCRA Large Quantity Generator for any one calendar month of the odd-numbered reporting year.
    • Generated in a single month more than 1000kg/2200 pounds of non-acute hazardous waste.
    • Generated in a single month more than 1kg/ 2.2 pounds of acute hazardous waste.
  2. You are a Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facility that received RCRA hazardous waste from off-site generators or your facility managed RCRA hazardous was on-site during the reporting year.
  3. Your facility is a Recycler of RCRA hazardous waste who:
    • Does not store recyclable materials before recycling them.
    • Before recycling, stores recyclable materials for up to 72 hours after arrival at the facility.
  4. Your facility met the definition of a Reverse Distributor during the reporting year.


How to File

It's recommended that you file electronically using the RCRAInfo software. A hard copy of the Biennial Report may also be mailed to the Biennial Report Coordinator using the address stated above.  To register for a RCRAInfo account, please view the Industry User Registration for RCRAInfo Guidance for assistance.

The department created training webinars for the 2021 Biennial Hazardous Waste Report cycle that are still useful for the 2023 reporting cycle. Please see the updated Creation and Submission of an EPA RCRA Biennial Report training presentation. You may also access RCRAInfo LeaningZen for online help videos.

In preparation for the upcoming submission deadline(s), the department hosted an online training event, on Thursday, February 8, 2024, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EST. The purpose of this training is to provide new industry users with a detailed step-by-step overview on how to submit a Biennial Report using RCRAInfo. Previous Biennial Report submitters were encouraged to attend as a refresher. Prior to the viewing the online training presentation material, please ensure to have an active individual account on RCRAInfo.  


NOTICE: A Letter of Delegation will need to be submitted with each Biennial Report cycle. In accordance with Chapter 62-730.220, F.A.C. (Florida Administrative Code) and 40 CFR 270.11, if the certifier or site manager is not an officer of the company, a letter on official letterhead will be needed from an officer (president, secretary, or treasurer) of that company, giving authority to sign on their behalf. This letter must be emailed to Nathalie Jaramillo to complete your Biennial Report submission. 

Letter of Delegation Example: I, Jane B. Green, certify that I am the Secretary of Evergreen Properties, Inc., a Florida corporation (the “Company”) named as Respondent in the 2021 Biennial Report attached herein; that Robert Doe, in his capacity as Environmental Manager of Evergreen Properties, Inc. is authorized to enter into and execute the 2021 Biennial Report in the name and on behalf of the Company; that said 2021 Biennial Report was duly signed by him for and on behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body, and is within the scope of its corporate powers.



Please remember the following when requesting site permissions on RCRAInfo:

Site Management

  • Gives you access to all modules that Florida has opted into (i.e. Biennial and e-Manifest).
  • User can view the data.
  • User can enter or change the data.
  • User can sign or submit the data.
  • User can manage users for their site(s).
  • Can obtain API for system-to-system interactions with RCRAInfo.
  • Note: User is REQUIRED to obtain an electronic signature agreement.


  • User can view the data.
  • User can enter or change the data.
  • User can sign or submit the data.
  • Note: User is REQUIRED to obtain an electronic signature agreement.


  • User can view the data.
  • User can enter or change the data.
  • User cannot sign or submit the data.


  • User can view the date.
  • User cannot enter or change the data.


  • No permissions.
  • User can enter or change the data.
  • User cannot sign or submit the data.


For assistance, please contact:

Nathalie Jaramillo
850-245-8799Tracey Austin
850-245-8879Susan Horlick

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Last Modified: Tuesday, Feb 13, 2024 - 07:12am