Drycleaning Facility Registration provides registration assistance to drycleaning owners and operators; general information to the public regarding facility, drum, owner data; and technical and data management support to district and contracted local program staff.


Online Registration

Our goal is to provide a paperless transaction route for you to easily:

  • pay invoices online,
  • print certificates, and
  • update facility information.

Please visit the DEP Business Portal portal to update your drycleaner registration.

Download the Registration Form and Instructions.


Drycleaner Registration Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Certificate Information

The 2008 Legislature amended Chapter 376, Florida Statutes (F.S.) to require registered drycleaning and wholesale supply facilities to display a certificate of registration as a prerequisite to anyone selling or transferring drycleaning solvents to the facility. Drycleaners will receive the certificate following payment of their annual registration fee. The certificate will expire at the end of each calendar year and a new certificate will be issued following payment of the annual registration fee. The facility shall display this certificate in the vicinity of its drycleaning machine, and ensure that the certificate is easily visible to persons making drycleaning solvent deliveries, and facility inspections.

Effective March 1, 2009 a person may not sell or transfer any drycleaning solvents to an owner or operator of a drycleaning facility unless the owner or operator of the drycleaning facility displays the certificate of registration.


Drycleaning Facilities All Current Owners -  (by County)

This report identifies the dry cleaning facilities registered with the department. Information includes facility identification number, site location information, related party (owner) information, and facility type and status. Data is taken from the Storage Tank & Contamination Monitoring database, the registration repository of dry cleaner facility data.

Contact Information


Registration Personnel

Name Phone Number Email Address
Madhuri Madala 850-245-8834 Madhuri.Madala@floridadep.gov
Laurence Min 850-245-8840 Laurence.Min@floridadep.gov
Kimberly Morgan 850-245-8869 Kimberly.Morgan@floridadep.gov
Cynthia Hudson 850-245-8981 Cynthia.Hudson@floridadep.gov



Last Modified: Friday, Nov 17, 2023 - 11:14am