

Florida has adopted the federal Universal Waste Rule (UWR, 40 CFR Part 273). However, Chapter 62-737, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), is more stringent and includes more management requirements than the UWR. The more stringent and inclusive regulations set out in 62-737, F.A.C., should be followed.


The UWR framework provides incentives for generators of lamps and devices to manage these wastes under Chapter 62-737, F.A.C., for recycling as opposed to their management as hazardous wastes under RCRA through disposal.


Only transporters and other non-generator handlers are required to register (see below) with the department unless they are solely participating in a reverse distribution program as described below.


A lamp and device handler facility, including a generator, which accumulates 5,000 kilograms (kg) or more of all universal wastes (including hazardous waste batteries, etc.) must also notify and receive an EPA/DEP ID number before accumulating such quantities, if it does not already have one per the large quantity handler requirements under the Universal Waste Rule .


Other requirements apply to non-generator handler facilities and to transporter transfer facilities storing lamps or MCDs off the transport vehicle, if either accumulates 2,000 kg or more of lamps or 100 kg of devices at any one time. There is also an exemption from registration for transporters collecting lamps from generators of 10 or less lamps per month provided the transporter does not accumulate more than 400 lamps at any one time.


The department maintains a list of registered handlers of mercury-containing lamps and devices.


Finally, the issue of properly managing light ballasts has come up as a result of the regulation on lamps. In Florida, any PCB wastes containing greater than 50 parts per million of PCBs is prohibited from disposal at MSW disposal facilities per Rule 62-701.300(5), F.A.C..



How to Register

Fill out form 62-730.900(1)(b), 8700-12FL - Florida Notification of Regulated Waste Activity. The link includes instructions.

If you are a transporter or transfer facility, submit a completed checklist with your annual 8700-12FL form.


Who Needs To Register

Transporters, Transfer Facilities and For-Hire Handler Facilities must register annually with the department.

  • Transporters: persons engaged in the off-site transportation of universal waste mercury-containing lamps or devices to a handler or universal waste mercury-containing lamp or device destination facility [62-737.200(33) and 400(3), F.A.C.],
  • Transfer Facilities: in-state transportation-related facilities including loading docks, parking areas, storage areas and other similar areas, including those designated at lamp generator facilities during relamping activities, where shipments of universal waste lamps or devices are held during the normal course of transportation for more than 24 hours, but less than 10 days [62-737.200(32) and 400(3), F.A.C.],
  • For-Hire Handler Facilities: persons that receive universal waste lamps or devices from other handlers, accumulate and manage these lamps and devices, and ship them to a universal waste lamp or device destination facility [62-737.200(31) and 400(3), F.A.C.], and

A person or company may register as both a transporter and a handler facility on the same registration form. A for-hire handler facility storing 2,000 kilograms or more of lamps or 100 kilograms or more of devices will also be subject to the one-time $1,000 registration fee, operational plan and closure plan (including financial assurance) requirements under paragraph 62-737.400(3)(a)3., F.A.C.

When Should You Register

The registration period is from January 1 - March 1 annually. Facilities registering for the first time can submit a registration form anytime during the year.

Other Requirements for Transporters and Handler Facilities

There are several other requirements including packaging, training and recordkeeping for transporters of and handler facilities for lamps or devices destined for recycling which are found in Rule 62-737.400, F.A.C.

Mercury Forms Page


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Last Modified: Friday, Apr 26, 2024 - 12:55pm