Operation Cleansweep has been funded for 2022-2023. For information about participating, please review the Operation Cleansweep flier or read the “Who Can Participate” section of the Program Guidelines to see if your company is eligible. Pesticide collection will be done at the participant’s site by a hazardous waste contractor according to a pick-up plan that will be developed as approved participants’ locations are mapped.

Operation Cleansweep provides farmers, nursery operators, golf course operators, and pest control services a one-time safe and economical way to dispose of their canceled, suspended, and unusable pesticides. Some of these materials are very old and in containers that are deteriorating. Some, such as chlordane and DDT, are so toxic to humans and hazardous to the environment that they are no longer allowed to be used. Proper disposal can be costly and a regulatory burden for small farmers and other pesticide users. Operation Cleansweep offers an opportunity to avoid these formidable barriers and to promote safe and environmentally sound pesticide use, handling and disposal. Operation Cleansweep began in 1995 with a statewide collection of more than 70,000 pounds of lead arsenate, a widely used pesticide for citrus operations that was banned from use by the EPA. Through June 2022, Operation Cleansweep collected and disposed of more than 2, 122,000 pounds (1,061 tons) of canceled, suspended, and unusable pesticides from more than 2,900 participants in all 67 counties. For more information, contact Theresa Chandler at 877-851-5285 or Theresa.Chandler@FDACS.gov.


Last Modified: Monday, Mar 11, 2024 - 01:52pm