Registered Storage Tank System Equipment and Release Detection Systems and Methods

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) registers storage tank system equipment and release detection systems and methods under Chapters 62-761, Florida Administrative Code, Underground Storage Tank Systems and 62-762, F.A.C., Aboveground Storage Tank Systems.

Storage Tank System Equipment Registration Forms

These forms are for manufacturers and vendors of underground (UST) and/or aboveground (AST) storage tank system equipment and release detection systems and methods.

Storage Tank Equipment Registration List

This document provides a list of manufacturers or vendors, contact information, product information, and conditions for storage tank system equipment and release detection systems and methods approved by DEP between Dec. 10, 1990, and Jan. 10, 2017. 

Effective Jan. 11, 2017, equipment will be registered with the department using Forms 62-761.900(9) and 62-762.901(9) and must be renewed every five years. DEP does not specifically endorse any particular manufacturer nor is responsible for any failure or malfunction of the product or equipment.

Required Information for Equipment Registration

Manufacturers or vendors can submit an equipment registration request on one of the forms listed above in writing to DEP, Division of Waste Management, 2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 4560, Tallahassee, FL 32399 or electronic format (submit to along with documentation that demonstrates the equipment will meet the appropriate performance requirements contained in Chapter 62-761, F.A.C., for UST equipment and/or 62-762, F.A.C., for AST equipment.

A third-party demonstration by a nationally recognized testing laboratory shall be submitted in writing or electronic format to the department with the application. Both Chapters 62-761, F.A.C. and 62-762, F.A.C. define a nationally recognized testing laboratory as: "an international or national organization or governmental entity that can perform quantitative and qualitative tests on storage tank system equipment, evaluate the test data and equipment performance, and make determinations of the equipment’s capability of meeting the technical requirements of this chapter. A Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory shall have at least five years of professional storage tank system equipment testing experience.

The third-party demonstration shall provide:

  • A technical evaluation of the equipment.
  • Test results that verify that the equipment will function as designed.
  • A professional certification or determination that the equipment meets the performance requirements contained in Chapter 62-761 and/or Chapter 62-762, F.A.C.
  • Integrity test requirements and procedures.
  • Annual operability testing procedures for the equipment or release detection system or method.
  • Copies of the manufacturer’s instructions to maintain the manufacturer’s warranty.

Release detection methods and tank and piping tightness and pressure testing methods must be registered in accordance with this subsection prior to being used.

The storage tank system equipment and release detection systems and methods registered with the department under this subsection must be renewed by the equipment manufacturer/vendor every five years. Equipment that was "approved" prior to Jan. 11, 2017, will have to be renewed before Jan. 11, 2022, to remain on the equipment registration list. (See the rules linked below for more information.)

Rule References for Storage Tank Equipment Registration

UST Equipment Exempt from Registration

  1. Dispensers, dispenser islands, nozzles and hoses
  2. Manhole and fill box covers.
  3. Valves and ball float valves.
  4. Cathodic protection test stations.
  5. Integral piping not in contact with soil, unless the integral piping extends over or into surface waters.
  6. Vent lines.
  7. Gauges used for vacuum and pressure monitoring.

AST Equipment Exempt from Registration

  1. Dispensers, dispenser islands, nozzles and hoses.
  2. Manhole and fill box covers.
  3. Valves.
  4. Cathodic protection test stations.
  5. Metallic piping.
  6. Small diameter integral piping not in contact with soil, unless the piping extends over or into surface waters.
  7. Vent lines.
  8. AST vents.
  9. Gauges used for vacuum and pressure monitoring.


Zachary Barrett (Equipment Registration)

Elena Compton, PE (Technical Questions on Equipment and Alternative Procedures)

Florida Department of Environment Protection
Division of Waste Management
2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 4560
Tallahassee, FL 32399

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Last Modified: Wednesday, May 08, 2024 - 01:08pm