GranteeGrant Amount

Scheduled End Date

Project Description
City of Belle Glade



Community Recycling: Increase multi-family recycling through increased education along with the purchase and placement of recycling bins, collection and proper management of recyclables.
City of Homestead$290,0003/19/2011Recycling Vehicle: Purchase recycling collection truck to provide collection services along all city routes. Report quarterly on the amount of recyclables collected and managed in comparison to the same quarter the year before purchasing the recycling truck.
City of La Belle$100,0003/5/2011Community Recycling: Provide recycle bins to homes and businesses in La Belle and provide weekly collection.
Town of Cutler Bay$100,000


Community Recycling: Develop a town facility recycling program, conduct a self-assessment of existing practices and develop a source reduction program. Collection and transfer services for both residential and commercial recycling. Develop a recycling public awareness campaign to include the following: web-based educational campaign, newspaper inserts, newspaper advertising, and public workshops. Distribute outreach materials to residents, schools, businesses, Chamber of Commerce, etc.
Village of Palmetto Bay$100,0006/30/2011Community Recycling: Start single stream recycling for municipal families, provide recycling awards for elementary schools, and use recycled tire products for playground surfacing.
Gadsden County



Agricultural Plastic Film Recycling: Determine the economic and technical feasibility of collecting from agricultural fields the plastic film used a crop mulch, processing it to meet end use market specifications and acceptability and recycling the material into new products an/or back into plastic mulch.

Solid Waste Information Exchange$199,50010/27/2010Ammunition Roundup: Create a regional collection program for unwanted ammunition, fireworks and flares by conducting collection events in major metropolitan areas in Florida and a specialized web site. Report
Calhoun County$600,000


Green Carbon Offset Procurement: Purchase pre-cast or pre-stressed concrete building components made with recycled glass in place of a portion of virgin rock aggregate. Attempt to document energy reductions and offset energy savings of replacing virgin aggregate. Report
City of Gretna$400,000


Green Carbon Offset Procurement: Purchase pre-cast or pre-stressed concrete building components made with recycled glass in place of a portion of virgin rock aggregate. Attempt to document energy reductions and offset energy savings of replacing virgin aggregate. Report 
Polk County$300,0003/3/2012

Individual-sized Plastic Bottle Recycling: Manufacture individual-sized polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle collection and densifying equipment; distribute the equipment to municipalities, schools and large private generators; and collect and analyze data on equipment use to determine the possibility of collecting and densifying this material for recycling. Report

Polk County$250,0003/3/2011Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Foam Recycling: Manufacture waste EPS densifying, granulating and shredding equipment; distribute the equipment to facilities that generate large quantities of EPS; and collect and analyze data on equipment use to determine the possibility of collecting and densifying this material for recycling. Report
Polk County


3/3/2012Large Polyethylene Container Recycling: Manufacture collection and densifying equipment for plastic (polyethylene) containers larger than individualized-size; distribute the equipment at up to 8 facilities that generate large quantities of these containers; and collect and analyze data on equipment use to determine the possibility of collecting and densifying this material for recycling. Report 
City of Greenville$116,00010/1/2013Landfill Monitoring: Perform required groundwater sampling and monitoring at 12 monitoring wells at the closed Old Town Landfill.
Sumter County$281,000


Composting: Two Florida Organics Recycling Center of Excellence (FORCE) demonstration projects (food waste composting and on-farm composting demonstrations); continue maintaining the FORCE website; conduct three training events for facility operators that will compost under the DEP registration program; and continue marketing outreach efforts such as presentations at conferences and magazine articles regarding organics recycling.



Last Modified: Monday, Jun 03, 2024 - 11:15am