Taking and passing an examination is just one of the requirements you will need in order to be eligible for licensure. Recent changes to the program have made it possible for an applicant to sit for an examination prior to obtaining the mandatory level of experience. This change allows the applicant the opportunity to sit for their examination while simultaneously obtaining their experience. Please view the links below to obtain more detailed information about the examination process.

  1. Examination Eligibility

  2. Examination Application

  3. Examination Scheduling

  4. Examination Fees

  5. Examination Deadlines

  6. Examination Formula Sheets

  7. Drinking Water and Wastewater Operator Examination Subject Area

  8. Distribution System Operator Examination Subject Area

Please make sure that you include all pertinent information along with your application. Once your application has been received, it will be reviewed for completeness. If your application has been deemed incomplete, you will receive a letter within 30 days advising you of any deficiencies and any corrective action that needs to be taken.

If your application is approved, you will be sent an Examination Approval letter. Your approval letter will contain specific information on how to schedule your examination.

1. Examination Eligibility 

To be eligible for operator licensing examinations, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a high-school diploma or its equivalent.
  • Have successfully completed an approved required training course for the classification and level of the examination to be taken no more than five years before the examination.

Current License Holders - You must also be currently licensed as follows:

Treatment Plant Operators

  • Licensed at the B level to take the A level examination.
  • Licensed at the C level to take the B level examination.

Distribution System Operators

  • Licensed at the Level 2 to take the Level 1 examination.
  • Licensed at the Level 3 to take the Level 2 examination.

Operators from other states must meet the requirements. These requirements may be found in Rule 62-602.360(1)(a)-(d), F.A.C.

2. Examination Application

You must complete an examination application for either Treatment Plant Operator Examination or Distribution System Operator Examination and submit it to the department for approval. In addition to this form you must provide the department with:

  • The applicable fee.
  • Documentation of training course completion.
  • One photograph of the applicant’s face and head (size 2 inches by 2 inches) not more than 6 months old. Any photograph that is not identifiable will be returned to the applicant and will delay the processing of the application.
  • Copy of your high-school diploma (if a copy is not currently on file).

3. Schedule Your Examination

You may schedule your examination only after your application has been approved by the Operator Certification Program staff.  Once approved, you will contact our testing vender to schedule your computer-based examination. Specific information about this process will be included in your examination approval letter.

4. Examination Fees

Applicants for all certification examinations shall submit the following fees along with their application. All application fees are non-refundable.

Examination Level Total Fee
Treatment Plant Class A $100
Treatment Plant Class B $100
Treatment Plant Class C $100
Treatment Plant Class D $75
Distribution Level 1 $75
Distribution Level 2 $75
Distribution Level 3 $75
Distribution Level 4 $75

Wards of the State (inmates/prisoners) - Fee schedule for:

Examination Level Total Fee
Treatment Plant Class A $20
Treatment Plant Class B $20
Treatment Plant Class C $20
Treatment Plant Class D $20

5. Examination Deadlines

There are no longer any deadlines established for submitting your application. You may submit it at any time.

If you are a ward-of-the-state (inmate/prisoner), you will still be required to submit your application to the department no later than 90 days prior to the established examination date. This date and time will be decided by the DEP and forwarded to the Florida Department of Corrections.

Please contact your educational supervisor for examination date information. Examinations for inmates will still be administered via paper and pencil.

6. Examination Formula Sheets

Each examination contains many math questions. In order to help you prepare for these math questions, you may use the attached formula sheets to become familiar with the different types of math questions you may encounter on the exam. These same formula sheets will also be provided to you at the examination site for use during your examination.

Need additional assistance or information regarding the program?

Operator Certification Program
Division of Water Resource Management
2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 3506
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400
Phone: 850-245-7500  FAX: 850-245-8410
Last Modified: Monday, Jun 03, 2024 - 10:26am