Chapter 376.307(1)(e)4, Florida Statutes, authorizes subsidies for increased costs associated with potable water well construction for drinking water wells within delineated areas of hazardous waste contamination. The amount is limited to one-half the cost of the well including testing, or one-half the present-worth of the 10-year cost of providing and maintaining filters, and is subject to federal income tax laws. Payees must be electronically registered in the State’s Vendor System. Instructions for registering are included in the New Well Subsidy Reimbursement Request form.

The eligible amount will be limited to the costs incurred for the additional well construction requirements of the water management district office.

The water management district office issuing the Well Construction Permit will notify the well driller if the new well will be within a delineated area.

Last Modified: Tuesday, Dec 12, 2023 - 02:19pm