Rule 62-600.705(1), F.A.C., became effective on June 28, 2023, and requires an applicant for domestic wastewater facility permit to submit a power outage contingency plan to DEP with the application for a new permit, permit renewal, or substantial permit revision. The facility’s power outage contingency plan must describe the program and protocols to mitigate the impacts of power outages on the facility’s collection/transmission system and pump stations. The rule implements the power outage contingency plan requirement in s. 403.086(2), F.S.

The goal of a power outage contingency plan is to prevent sanitary sewer overflows (SSO) during a power loss to a pump station, a portion of a collection system, or to the entire collection system. Facilities should be able to respond quickly and effectively to power outages to prevent and stop SSOs that may endanger public health or the environment.

What should the plan cover?

It is recommended that power outage contingency plans address the following areas, at a minimum:

  • Overview of the plan, its management, and general response procedures for power outages at individual pump stations as well as area-wide power outages.
  • Overview of the collection system, including a map, identifying pump stations and critical areas for SSOs.
  • Pump station inventory and individual pump station evaluations/assessments related to power outages.
  • Inventory of portable generators and bypass pumps including storage and maintenance procedures.
  • Fuel resources.
  • Response teams/personnel.
  • Communications.
  • Mutual aid agreements.
  • Upgrades and improvements.
  • Financial resources.

Submittal: Applicants for domestic wastewater facility permits must submit a copy of the facility's power outage contingency plan with the next facility application for permit renewal or substantial permit revision (or an application for a new permit). Copies of the plan with any updates or revisions must be provided with each subsequent application for permit renewal or substantial permit revision.

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Last Modified: Wednesday, Feb 21, 2024 - 02:01pm