Water Reuse News

Rulemaking Information

Potable Reuse Rulemaking Information

The potable reuse rulemaking effort is a joint effort between wastewater and drinking water and will include the development of new Chapter 62-565, F.A.C., updates to Chapters 62-610, 62-550, and 62-555 F.A.C., in compliance with the Florida Clean Waterways Act 2020-150 Laws of Florida. s 403.064 F.S. Updates to Chapters 62-610 and 62-625, F.A.C., have been completed.

Notice of Rule Development - New June 2023

Potable Reuse Workshop Information Updated September 2022

  • 2nd Public Workshop - The 2nd joint Public Workshop for Potable Reuse Rulemaking was held June 2, 2021 at 10am ET via GoToWebinar, and covered proposed updates to Chapters 62-610, 62-625, 62-550, and 62-555 F.A.C. in response to the previous comment period. 
  • 1st Public Workshop - The 1st joint Public Workshop for Potable Reuse Rulemaking was held on January 14, 2021 via GoToWebinar.

Potable Reuse Draft Rules and Other Documents

Proposed Draft Rules Updated May 2021

Other Proposed Draft Rules and Related Documents:

Check back here for additional information regarding the potable reuse rulemaking as it becomes available.


Last Modified: Thursday, Mar 14, 2024 - 03:04pm