The Engineering, Hydrology and Geology Program staff practice in multiple areas. Staff provides technical support to the Division of Water Resource Management programs, other DEP regulatory divisions, and district offices in the planning, design, permitting and monitoring of mining projects and mine reclamation, mitigation banks and stormwater/surface water management systems, dam safety, and other in-water activities and works of the district. Staff also provides technical training to staff within DEP and the five water management districts and to industry specialists and facility owners.

The following subgroups represent the core responsibilities of the Engineering, Hydrology and Geology Program staff.   

Florida Dam Safety Program

The Florida Dam Safety Program staff coordinates statewide dam safety activities in Florida and provides technical support for the permitting, evaluation, condition assessment, and emergency action planning for dams.

Hydrology and Hydraulics Support

The Hydrology and Hydraulics Support staff reviews hydrographic assessments submitted in support of an environmental resource permit. DEP requires a hydrographic study when new in-water works or modification to an existing one is proposed to ensure that it will not create adverse impact to water quality conditions. Staff also provides assistance for hydrological and hydraulic engineering related projects. 

Mining and Mitigation Technical Support

The Mining and Mitigation Technical Support staff assists the Mining and Mitigation Program and other programs within the Division of Water Resource Management. Staff provides completeness reviews regarding the technical aspects of stormwater management systems proposed for mine and reclamation projects to ensure that water quality and quantity meet state statutes and rules. 

Stormwater Support

The Stormwater Support staff serves as a reference for statewide consistency in review of the stormwater portion of environmental resource permits and provides stormwater and engineering expertise for rulemaking efforts, basin management action plans, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) group, and the Non-Point Source Section 319(h) and Total Maximum Daily Load grant selections. The staff assists the district offices on complex projects seeking environmental resource permit authorizations. The staff also monitors and comments on research on innovating and improving best management practices for nutrient control.