General Information

Title Information
Licensee WM of North Broward, Inc.
Certification #    PA 86-22
Date Certified 03/09/1987
Description The site certification includes three municipal waste combustor units a steam turbine-electric generator, and associated support facilities.
Fuel Type Municipal solid waste
Nominal Rating    68 MW
Address/Location 2600 NW 48th Street
Pompano Beach, FL 33073
County Broward
Districts Florida Department of Environmental Protection Southeast District
South Florida Water Management District












Facility State Documents

Facility Documents Type
Conditions of Certification Facility License
Post-Certification Submittal Summary Summary of Submittals Required by Conditions
Modifications Final Orders Modifying the Conditions
Amendments Amendment Approval Letters
Final Order(s) Original Final Order of Certification and, if applicable, Land Use Consistency
Site Certification Application Original and Supplemental Facility Application(s)









Department Permits under Federal Programs

Program Permit Type Facility ID#
Air Construction and Operation 0112120*



(*copy the id # and paste into the Facility ID field to locate associated permits)

Last Modified: Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - 01:35pm