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The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is directed by the legislature to cooperate with state and federal agencies, private organizations, and commercial and industrial interests in the promotion of a statewide outdoor recreation system. Florida continues to develop a diverse, connected and balanced system of outdoor recreational resources, facilities and programs.

The Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) is the state’s official document regarding outdoor recreation planning which is produced every five years. Planning is underway for the 2027-2031 SCORP. We are currently gathering information from recreation providers and outdoor professionals about what data they would like to see in the plan. Please take a moment to share your thoughts via our brief survey. Download the SCORP survey flyer.

For questions/comments relating to SCORP, please email officeofgreenwaysandtrails@floridadep.gov

2023-2027 SCORP

The National Park Service approved Florida's 2023 SCORP. The FINAL PLAN is available for download.

2019 SCORP

The National Park Service approved Florida's 2019 SCORP. The FINAL PLAN and its APPENDICES are available for download, along with the executive summary and regional reports.

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This study provides detailed results regarding resident and tourist demand for and perceptions about Florida's outdoor recreation offerings.

2016-2017 SCORP Economic Impact of Outdoor Recreation Activities in Florida

A recommendation from the 2013 SCORP was the production of a report on the overall economic impact of outdoor recreation activities in Florida. This study, completed in 2017, provides detailed information at the statewide, regional and county levels for 35 recreation activities. The full report, listed in sections, is available below.

Key findings of this report are:
The total economic impact of 35 outdoor recreation activities tracked by SCORP is estimated at $145 billion.
$70 billion generated by visitor spending.
$20 billion generated by resident spending.
  • Florida’s parks and other public lands generated $60 billion in consumer spending.
  • 1.2 million jobs supported.
  • Nearly $10 billion in tax revenues generated.

Purpose of SCORP

Because of the state's phenomenal growth, providers of outdoor recreation facilities and services continue to be pressured to meet expanding demand. A fixed supply of land, water, shoreline areas and cultural resources suitable for public use combined with fiscal constraints present public land managers with difficult decisions. State government must exercise a leadership role in coordinating the effective use of Florida’s recreation resources.

Recognizing that the state alone cannot provide the volume or variety of leisure pursuits that will be needed by its present and future populations, the legislature has given the DEP specific responsibility to develop and execute a comprehensive, multipurpose outdoor recreation plan with the assistance of other managers.

The Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) is the state’s official document regarding outdoor recreation planning. Updating the plan every five years is a requirement for Florida’s participation in the Land and Water Conservation (LWCF) program. Outdoor Recreation in Florida – 2013 is the 10th edition, which is written in accordance with 375.021, F.S.

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2013 SCORP Components

Florida’s Outdoor Recreation Inventory

The Florida Outdoor Recreation Inventory (FORI) is a comprehensive inventory of existing outdoor resources and facilities in Florida. This database and mapping tool provide details of parks, recreation areas, open spaces and other outdoor sites in the state including federal, state, regional, county and municipal governments, commercial enterprises, nonprofit organizations and clubs. The database consists of more than 13,000 records and is maintained by the department to assist with the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP).

In order to meet new legislation passed in SB 552 (259.032, F.S.) and HB 1075 (253.87, F.S.) in 2016, the state provided DEP with funding to enable users to more easily locate recreation opportunities on public conservation lands. As a result, a number of improvements were made to the inventory (including helpful links).

SCORP Workshops

In 2015-2016, DEP hosted a series of events to bring public and private recreation providers, recreational user groups and outdoor recreational professionals together to help promote SCORP and the value of outdoor recreation to the state of Florida. A new series of events will be held after the 2019 SCORP is complete.

SCORP Documents and Publications

2013 SCORP Workgroup Documents

Recommendations for Improving the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) [PDF - 50 KB]

If you have trouble opening the documents or would like a paper copy, please contact OfficeofGreenwaysandTrails@FloridaDEP.gov or call 850-245-2052.