2023 Electronic Annual Operating Report
For the 2023 Electronic Annual Operating Report (EAOR), software version 2022-3 is required to be used to complete the report. This is the same version of software which was used for last years's AOR.  If you do not already have the software installed, then it can be downloaded at the following link.  Please note, before installing the software, you must uninstall any existing EAOR software first!

Download EAOR version 2022-3

EAOR Training will be held on Tuesday, January 23rd from 1:30 to 3:00. The training will be conducted using Microsoft Teams.

If you have questions or need assistance after reviewing the information posted on the EAOR webpage, please contact us at 850-717-9000 or at EAOR@FloridaDEP.gov

Page Topics

  • Information about EAOR
    Summary of Changes | Annual Operating Report Form | Computing Methods | Title V Fees
  • Print or Request a partially pre-filled hard copy Annual Operating Report
  • Signature: Electronic or Hard Copy
  • Assistance
  • Benefits of using EAOR

Search AOR Submittals
Check to see if the department has received your AOR submittal, electronically sign the AOR or access the Title V Fee Invoice (for Title V sources only).

Summary of Changes in Version 2022-3

  • No additional changes were made to EAOR version 2022-3 for this year's AOR (2023 AOR).


Information about EAOR

The Division of Air Resource Management's Annual Operating Report (AOR), DEP Form 62-210.900(5), became effective June 2017.


Print or Request a Hard Copy Annual Operating Report

The partially pre-filled form is to be used to complete the AOR if you are not using the EAOR. You can either print a partially pre-filled hard copy Annual Operating Report form for your facility or request that one be emailed to you.

Signature: Electronic or Hard Copy

You can electronically sign the Annual Operating Report if you prepared the report using EAOR and submit it via the web or email it to DEP. If signing electronically, you must first have an Air account and PIN, as discussed below. However, an Air account and PIN are not required to use the EAOR software. If not using the electronic signature feature to sign the Annual Operating Report, then please see the Annual Operating Report Letter for where to send hard copy signature pages, based on whether your facility is Title V or Non-Title V. The Annual Operating Report is not complete until it is signed either electronically OR with a hard copy signature.

AOR Electronic Signature Instructions

  1. The Annual Operating Report should be signed by the owner/authorized representative or responsible official named in Subsection I.D. of the AOR form. For Title V facilities, a responsible official must sign the AOR but it does not have to be the Primary Responsible official. If you need to change the responsible official, please complete and submit the Responsible Official Notification Form, DEP Form No. 62-213.900(3).
  2. You must have a Florida Department of Environmental Protection Division of Air Resource Management account and PIN to electronically sign an Annual Operating Report. If you already have an Electronic Permit Submittal and Processing System or EAOR DEP Division of Air Resource Management account and PIN, you do not need to obtain a new one. Otherwise, you will need to register an account and submit a PIN request.
  3. If you do not have a DEP Division of Air Resource Management PIN, you will need to print out the PIN Request Form, sign and date it, and email it to the address on the form. Your PIN assignment will be emailed to you.
  4. To electronically sign an Annual Operating Report, go to the Annual Operating Report Submittal Search report by clicking on the Sign AOR link below and follow the instructions:


Benefits of using EAOR

  • The completed report can be submitted online.
  • The report is partially filled with the data from DEP's database. This ensures the report is completed according to each facility's permit.
  • The side-by-side view allows comparison of the current year data with the data from previous years.
  • Data changes are highlighted to ease the review of the data.
  • Help is available at one key stroke, including the definitions of each data field.
  • Formulas to calculate emissions can be set up in the program and be re-used in future Annual Operating Reports.
  • Edit checks are included to catch missing data.
  • Supporting electronic documents can be attached.
  • The data are reviewed and transferred into DEP's database electronically, avoiding having to enter the new data and update the existing data manually.
  • Reports can be saved as PDF files. With this feature, you can send the completed Annual Operating Report to someone else to review without that person having to install the EAOR program.
  • Automatically calculate Title V fees based on the annual emissions reported (Title V sources only).
  • The report can be signed electronically.


Last Modified: Tuesday, Jun 18, 2024 - 06:33pm