The department's Solid Waste Program sets guidelines for management of solid waste in the state. Regulations cover landfills, construction and demolition debris disposal facilities, waste-to-energy ash, solid waste beneficial use, compost, yard waste, waste tires and financial assurance. The Solid Waste Program also provides guidance and assistance regarding conflict resolution to promote statewide consistency in the implementation of solid waste rules.

The program has three main areas: permitting and registrations; program management; and compliance and enforcement. Facilities that store, process or dispose of solid waste must obtain a permit in accordance with Chapter 62-701 of the Florida Administrative Register, unless they are exempted. Permitting of large Class I landfills is done in the department's Tallahassee offices. The district offices issue permits for other solid waste management facilities like construction and demolition debris landfills and Class III landfills. Districts also conduct inspections at regulated solid waste facilities and provide compliance assistance to facilities, businesses, schools and community organizations.

In addition to setting the guidelines and issuing permits for Class I landfills, the Tallahassee Solid Waste office reviews compliance monitoring and enforcement activities performed by the DEP district offices to encourage consistent application of rules and guidance throughout Florida.

Learn more about DEP's Solid Waste Program.

Last Modified: Thursday, May 04, 2023 - 01:22pm