DEP Laboratory Method Guidance and Interpretation

  • 1,4-Dioxane - 2010. Available methodologies and recommendations by the Bureau of Laboratories for the analysis of 1,4-dioxane. Note: These recommendations do not constitute approval for any specific regulatory application.
  • CBOD Interpretation  - The National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference issued an interpretation of control limits of glucose glutamic acid when performing the test for Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBoD).  This interpretation is the consensus of several experts in the field of BoD as well as state accrediting authorities and environmental regulatory agencies.
  • Discrete Analyzer Technology 2004. DEP Environmental Assessment Section determines that method applications using discrete analyzer technology is an acceptable modification to the cited EPA methods and requires no application for alternative test procedure.  There was some confusion about the use of surfactants.  This revised version clarifies the department's position that surfactants other than those specified (or not included) in the reference method are acceptable.
  • MSIIT Guidance Document - 2004. Technical Guidance Document for Conducting the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Protocols for Determining Major-Seawater-Ion Imbalance Toxicity (MSIIT) in Membrane-Technology Water-Treatment Concentrate, 73 pp. Documents the development of a set of protocols for determining major-seawater-ion toxicity in membrane-technology water-treatment concentrate, or reject water. (PDF file size 520 KB)
  • Single Ion Monitoring Guidance - 2009. In response to numerous inquiries concerning the use of the Single Ion Monitoring (SIM) mode for analytes, the Standards and Assessment Section has provided this guidance that emphasizes the method-required quality control measures when using this technology. This document also identifies the program areas to which this technology is applicable.
    • Petroleum Methods - Information regarding DEP's FLPRO method and the TPHCWG Analytical Method.

    The DEP petroleum method application.


    • Ross, L. T. 1990. Methods for aquatic biology. Fla. Dept. Environmental Regulation, Tech. Ser. 10(1). 47 pp. 
    • Ross, L. T., L. A. Olsen, and L. Groeneveld. 1982. The relationship between Jackson turbidity units and nephelometric turbidity units, as determined from various Florida sediment samples. 11 pp. [unpublished report of the Fla. Dept. Environmental Regulation, Div. Environmental Programs] (PDF file size 365kb)

    DEP Laboratory Studies

    • Assessment of Microbial Source Tracking Markers and Tracers at Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Florida - 2018. Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection, Laboratory. This report describes a study conducted by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) from 2016 to 2017 to investigate the effect of treatment process on the concentration of human-associated fecal indicators, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides in raw/treated wastewater in Florida’s domestic wastewater treatment facilities (WWTF). (PDF file size 983 KB)
    • Exploratory Study of Emerging Contaminants in Select Florida Rivers – 2019. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection performed a study to evaluate sampling techniques and technologies, analytical methods, and toxicological assays of emerging contaminants in Florida’s fresh waters. The study used varying types of sample collection devices and analytical methods, applying a small-scale study design.
    • Microbiology Holding Time Study for Water Quality Assessments - 2013. Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Laboratories. This report describes a study conducted by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) from 2008-2011 to investigate the effects of increasing holding time beyond 8 hours to 24 or 30 hours prior to laboratory analysis of fecal coliform, Escherichia coli, and enterococci. (PDF file size 2.0 MB)

    • Bathing Beach Fecal Indicator Depth Study - 2012. Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Laboratories. This report describes a two-year study of two bathing beaches (Carrabelle Beach and Mashes Sands Beach) in North Florida investigating the influence of spatial sampling along the beach front (three locations plus a control station) and distance from the beach as identified by ankle, knee, and waist sampling on indicator bacteria (fecal coliform and enterococci) recoveries, and the potential impacts of sampling multiple locations and multiple depths on the identification of Impaired Waters of the State. (PDF file size 1.26 MB)
    • Microcystin Round Robin Study - January 2009
    • Microcystin Round Robin Study - July/August 2007
    • Emerging Substances of Concern (ESOC) - 2008. Summarizes the conclusions of an internal Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Workgroup that was formed to evaluate strategies to effectively address a wide variety of potential contaminants, commonly referred to as Emerging Substances of Concern, or ESOC
    • Methods of Hester-Dendy Multiplate Sampler Deployment - 2006. Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Laboratories. A review of different deployment techniques for Hester-Dendy multiplate samplers, specifically a comparison between floating platforms and submerged blocks. (PDF file size 350 kb)
    • Statistical Analysis of Surface Water Quality Specific Conductance Data - 2005. Florida Dept of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Labs, Biology Section. The Triennial Review Committee of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) requested the Biology Section to evaluate scientific evidence to support or reject the need to revise the Surface Water Quality Standard for Specific Conductance. This document was written in response to that request. (PDF file size 2.25 MB) Appendix 3 Data
    • Ion-Imbalance Report and Spreadsheet - 1995. The results of a study to determine methods for identifying toxicity to marine animals resulting from an 'imbalance' of the major seawater ions.
      • Fla. Dept. Environmental Protection, Bureau of Laboratories. 1995. Protocols for determining Major-seawater-ion toxicity in membrane-technology water-treatment concentrate. 26 pp. [unpublished report] [This document contains the results of a study to determine methods for identifying toxicity to marine animals resulting from an 'imbalance' of the major seawater ions. The report includes the rationale for the method, the results of the study, and the methods allowing one to determine whether toxicity in a sample results solely from major seawater ion imbalance, solely from 'other' toxics, or from a combination of the two causes.
      • The zip file contains 2 files; the RO report in .pdf, the ion calculation spreadsheet in Excel format.
      • RO SOPs can be found in the list of Internal Biology SOPs. Search by Category and choose Toxicity-RO Methods.
    • Salinity Tolerance SETAC Poster - Low-Salinity Toxicity Tests with the Mysid Shrimp (Americamysis Bahia) and Drinking Water Facility Concentrates: Is Salinity Stress an Issue? (SETAC Poster)


    Last Modified: Monday, Jun 10, 2024 - 01:09pm