The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) participates in a national network of laboratories known as the Environmental Response Laboratory Network (ERLN). This network is one of several laboratory networks established through Presidential directives to ensure that critical services are available to support response and recovery operations following a terrorist attack or other emergency of national significance. The Environmental Response Laboratory Network is administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency with support from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Participation in this network provides the DEP Laboratory with the necessary infrastructure, tools, and training to assist with response and recovery operations while, at the same time, bolstering the laboratory’s capability to perform its routine mission. Establishing the capability within Florida to support recovery operation following the release of dangerous or toxic chemicals will ensure a more rapid response and helps minimize any social and economic disruptions.

Initial funding for establishment of the Environmental Response Laboratory Network was provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and does not require the use of local or state public resources.


Through participation in this network, the DEP Laboratory was able to both upgrade the Jerry Brooks Environmental Laboratory and enhance its services such as follows:

  • Improvements to infrastructure;
  • Enhancements to security and safety;
  • Developments and expansions of laboratory space;
  • Procurement and installation of new analytical instrumentation;
  • Participation in staff training exercises;
  • Development of additional analytical capabilities.


The DEP Laboratory will continue to carry out its mission of providing analytical services to assure the health of Florida’s citizens and its ecosystems. The additional capabilities and assets acquired by DEP as a partner in the Environmental Response Laboratory Network will be used to support routine environmental investigations until the laboratory is needed to help with response and recovery operations. This ‘dual-use’ of staff, technology and instrumentation will add significant value to the mission of the laboratory.

Last Modified: Monday, Jun 17, 2024 - 11:55am