Chlorophyll Methods

SW-846 Methods

Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods 

40 CFR Part 136.3 Methods List

EPA 2017 Method Update Rule

40 CFR Parts 141 & 143 Methods

National Primary Drinking Water Regulations

 National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations

Clean Water Act (CWA) Analytical Methods for testing water

National Environmental Methods Index (NEMI)
Use this link to search all chemical, microbiological, biological, toxicity, and physical methods in NEMI

US Geological Survey (USGS) Methods for testing (Field and Lab)

APHA Standard Methods
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater methods list

ASTM Methods (American Society of Testing Materials)

AOAC Methods
Official Methods of Analysis text by the Association of Analytical Communities

Petroleum Methods

**The DEP FL-PRO method was revised as of November 2018.  Please visit the FL-PRO Revision page where you can read a summary of the changes included in the revised method.**

Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen (LDO) - The LDO probe method is acceptable to DEP, providing that the calibration verification procedures and criteria in DEP SOPs FT 1000 and FT 1500 are strictly followed. The LDO may be used for all laboratory and field analyses for non-potable water compliance reporting, all ambient monitoring for surface water, groundwater, and wastewater, and all groundwater purge-stabilization measurements. The cited federal reference is ASTM D888-05, Standard Test Methods for Dissolved Oxygen in Water, Test Method C, Luminescence-based Sensor Procedure.

Un-ionized Ammonia SOP - Discussion of the calculation of this species 

Last Modified: Monday, Apr 10, 2023 - 11:22am