Bacteria TMDLs

Draft TMDL Reports | Bacteria Story Map | Upcoming Meetings

Bacteria TMDLs are developed for waterbodies that do not meet bacteriological quality criteria designed to protect human health, which are defined in the State’s Surface Water Quality Standards (Chapter 62-302, F.A.C.). The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) uses the best available information to identify waterbodies and water segments that do not meet the applicable water quality standards, including fecal indicator bacteria (FIB), following the methods in the Impaired Waters Rule (Chapter 62-303, F.A.C.) The comprehensive list of waters not attaining standards is available through the DEP’s Watershed Assessment Section webpage. The Bacteria TMDLs described below have been established to address FIB impairments in fresh and marine waters throughout the state, that do not meet the applicable criteria for Escherichia coli (E. coli), enterococci, or fecal coliform bacteria.

News and Announcements 

New! The department announces a public meeting to present and receive public comments on the revised draft fecal indicator bacteria Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for impaired surface waters in the Everglades West Coast Basin, to be adopted in Rule 62-304.810, F.A.C. The meeting is scheduled for April 4, 2024, 2 p.m. both in-person meeting and virtually.

The draft TMDL document and supporting data files for these impaired waters is available on the department’s TMDL website, and will be provided upon request to interested parties by mail or via email distribution. The Everglades West Coast Basin TMDLs serve as a pilot for documenting bacteria TMDLs throughout the state in reports using a basin or other regional approach. The department will accept written comments on the draft TMDLs, as well as the establishment of these bacteria TMDLs based on the generally applicable criteria in subsection 62-302.530(6), F.A.C., through April 19, 2024.

Written comments should be directed to:, Mail Station #3555, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400.  



Meeting Date and Time

Meeting Location

Revised Draft Fecal Indicator Bacteria TMDL 


April 4, 2024, 2 p.m.

Meeting Agenda

2031 Jackson Street 
Fort Myers, Florida 33901

Or via webinar.


Bacteria TMDL Reports

Everglades West Coast Basin

New update: 

 Supporting Information for TMDL Developments: 

Data files:


Public Meeting Materials:

View full-size map


Last Modified: Thursday, Apr 11, 2024 - 12:59pm