What is a WBID?

A Water Body Identification number (WBID) is an assessment unit that is intended to represent Florida’s waterbodies at the watersheds or sub-watershed scale.  WBIDs have a unique identification number that is tracked by the department and have a geographic delineation as a polygon layer. The assessment units are drainage basins, lakes, lake drainage areas, springs, rivers and streams, segments of rivers and streams, coastal, bay and estuarine waters in Florida. The polygons roughly delineate the drainage basins surrounding the waterbody assessment units. The WBIDs are used in the annual impaired waters assessment, implementation of total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) and basin management action plans (BMAPs) as well as other applications.

Where is my WBID? 

If you would like to find a particular WBID of interest, for example, your favorite river, spring or lake, please use the interactive map below. This map will show you Verified Impaired WBIDs (those waterbodies impaired for a parameter and in need of a TMDL), Florida TMDLs (existing and in progress) and BMAP areas (existing and in progress). 

This map allows you to search based on a geographic location or by waterbody name.

Open larger full size map.

Basin Downloads



Download Category

2/02/2024 WBID Run 65 WBID Shapefile
2/02/2024 IWR Stations Run 65 IWR Stations Shapefile
9/22/2022 WBID Run 64 WBID Shapefile
9/22/2022 IWR Stations Run 64 IWR Stations Shapefile
6/30/2022 WBID Run 63 WBID Shapefile
6/30/2022 IWR Stations Run 63 IWR Stations Shapefile
1/13/2022 WBID Run 62 WBID Shapefile
1/13/2022 IWR Stations Run 62 IWR Stations Shapefile
6/18/2021 WBID Run 61 WBID Shapefile
6/18/2021 IWR Stations Run 61 IWR Stations Shapefile
10-20-20 WBID Run 60 WBID Shapefile
10-20-20 IWR Stations 60 IWR Stations Shapefile

Basin Contacts Map

(Updated February 13, 2024)

Please Note: 

  • For further information regarding the listing process, please contact Kevin ODonnell via email or at 850-245-8469.
  • Files are ZIP format files unless otherwise indicated, and contain shape file information for GIS applications.

Related Links

Last Modified: Tuesday, Feb 13, 2024 - 01:45pm