FINAL List of Assessments in the Group 3 Basins for the Verified List of Impaired Waters and Delist List

Please Note: Revisions to the Group 3 Lists of Impaired Waters 2017

The department has revised the Verified List of impaired waters by a 2017 Secretarial Order for the Group 3 basin: Lake Worth Lagoon – Palm Beach Coast. The Group 3 lists were revised to make necessary changes in response to additional information provided to and evaluated by the department. The amendments to the Verified List can be found at the link provided below and include the Office of General Counsel case numbers for the listings.

List of Waters Amended for the Group 3-Cycle 3 Delist List (MS Excel)




Waters Amended in 2017 for the Group 3 Delist Lists

FINAL List of Assessments in the Group 3 Basins for the Verified List of Impaired Waters, Delist List

The department announces the availability of the FINAL lists of assessments for waterbodies and water segments within the Group 3 Basins: Caloosahatchee, Choctawhatchee – St. Andrews, Lake Worth Lagoon – Palm Beach Coast, Sarasota Bay – Peace Myakka, and Upper St. Johns. These lists were adopted by a 2016 Secretarial Order signed by DEP Secretary Jonathan P. Steverson, on October 21, 2016.
The FINAL Verified Lists include those waters added to the State’s Verified List of Impaired Waters and will be submitted to EPA as an update to the federal 303(d) list.  The FINAL Delist Lists include those waters that are being removed from the State’s Verified List and will be submitted to EPA as removals from the federal 303(d) list. 
These FINAL assessment lists were produced with water quality and biological data included in the IWR Database Run 52 and reflect several major milestones to the assessment of Florida’s waterbodies.  In particular, the FINAL assessment lists include the revised dissolved oxygen criterion assessed as percent saturation (replacing the assessment of dissolved oxygen as mg/L), and the implementation of numeric nutrient criteria for streams, lakes, springs, and estuaries. In addition, these assessments incorporate new data that has been received by the DEP through data provider uploads to STORET, station-WBID assignment updates, WBID classification updates, and data that have been excluded from assessments based on an evaluation by DEP staff. 
These lists represent the third rotation through the Group 3 basins and another step in the process of restoring impaired waters for these basins. Now that these lists have been adopted by Secretarial Order, Department staff will begin developing TMDLs for waters on the verified list.  A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) represents the maximum amount of pollutant loading that can be discharged to a waterbody and still attain its designated uses.  After TMDL adoption and rule making, the next step in this process will be the development, by watershed stakeholders and DEP, of a Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP).  The BMAP will specify the activities, schedule, and funding sources that point and nonpoint source dischargers will undertake to restore the waterbody.
The next rotation through these basins is scheduled to begin in July 2020.

For best results, print on legal size paper (8.5 x 14). 

2016 FINAL Verified Lists (MSExcel)

2016 FINAL Lists of Waters to be Delisted from the Verified List (MSExcel)


Last Modified: Thursday, Feb 16, 2023 - 12:27pm