Please Note: Revisions to the Group 4 Lists of Impaired Waters 2013

As part of the agency action adopting the lists of impaired waters for the Group 1 Basins, the department also revised the verified list of impaired waters by Secretarial Order for the following Group 4 basin: Withlacoochee River, which was originally adopted on Nov. 2, 2010. The Group 4 list was revised to make necessary changes in response to additional information provided to and evaluated by the department. 

List of Waters Amended for the Group 4-Cycle 2 Verified and Delist Lists (MSExcel)

Please Note: Revisions to the Group 4 Lists of Impaired Waters 2012

As part of the agency action adopting the lists of impaired waters for the Group 5 Basins, the Department also revised the verified lists of impaired waters and delist lists by Secretarial order for the following Group 4 basins: Withlacoochee River, Kissimmee River and Southeast Coast-Biscayne Bay, which were originally adopted on Nov. 2, 2010. The Group 4 lists were revised to make necessary changes in response to stakeholder input and EPA’s review.

List of Waters Amended for the Group 4-Cycle 2 Verified and Delist Lists (MSExcel)

The department announces the availability of the FINAL lists of impaired waters for the Group 4 Basins: Pensacola Bay, Nassau River-St. Marys River, Withlacoochee River, Kissimmee River, Fisheating Creek and Southeast Coast-Biscayne Bay. These lists were adopted by an Secretarial Order signed on Nov. 2, 2010. The Verified and Delist lists can be found at the links provided below. Requests for an administrative hearing to challenge a listing decision must be received no later than Dec. 3, 2010.

These lists represent the second rotation through the Group 4 basins and another step in the process of restoring impaired waters for these basins. Now that these lists have been adopted by Secretarial Order, department staff will begin developing TMDLs for waters on the verified list. A TMDL represents the maximum amount of pollutant loading that can be discharged to a water body and have its designated uses be met. After TMDL adoption, the next step in this process will be the development, by watershed stakeholders and DEP, of a basin management action plan (BMAP). The BMAP will specify the activities, schedule, and funding sources that point and nonpoint source dischargers will undertake to restore the water body.

The next rotation through these basins is scheduled to begin in July 2015.

Final Verified Lists for Group 4 Basins (MSExcel Format)

Final Lists of Waters to be Proposed for Delisting (MSExcel Format)

Last Modified: Wednesday, Jun 14, 2023 - 02:39pm