2017 Study Lists Removals (MSExcel)

The department is requesting EPA to remove the waters identified below from the 303(d) List within the following Group 2 Basins: Charlotte Harbor, Lower St. Johns River, Middle St. Johns River, St. Lucie – Loxahatchee Basins, and Tampa Bay Tributaries. The "Study List" is the list of surface water or segments where additional information is needed, as identified in Rule 62-303.390, F.A.C. To conform to the expectations of federal regulations (40 Code of Federal Regulations., Part 25) regarding public participation in programs under the Clean Water Act, the department is providing these lists for public comment.  There are several reasons for requesting removal from the 303(d) List including, but not limited to, more recent or accurate data, flaws in the original analysis, site specific data or information to support natural conditions, and changes in water quality conditions.

The REVISED Study Lists include those waters that do not attain water quality standards and meet the following conditions:

A Class I, II, III or Class III-Limited water shall be placed on the Study List in assessment category 4d if:

  • A waterbody with a statistically-significant (at the 95 percent confidence level) increasing temporal trend in annual geometric means for TN, TP, nitrate-nitrite, or chlorophyll a and there is a reasonable expectation that the water will become impaired within 10 years.
  • A waterbody that does not achieve the Biological Health Assessment provisions in Rule 62-303.430, F.A.C., but a cause has not been identified.
  • A waterbody verified as not meeting the dissolved oxygen criterion pursuant to the verified list requirements, but a cause has not been identified.
  • For streams meeting the definition in subsection 62-302.200(36), F.A.C., that do not have a site specific numeric interpretation of the narrative nutrient criterion, the nutrient thresholds in subparagraph 62-302.531(2)(c)2., F.A.C., are exceeded based on data from the last 7.5 years and insufficient Biological Health Assessment, chlorophyll a, or other response variable data are available to fully assess achievement of the nutrient provisions in paragraph 62-302.531(2)(c), F.A.C.

A Class I, II, III or Class III-Limited water shall be placed on the Study List in assessment category 4e if:

  •  A waterbody where pollution control mechanisms are in place or planned that meet the requirements of subsections 62-303.600(1) and (3), F.A.C., except that there is uncertainty when water quality standards will be attained and the waterbody segment requires additional study;

Waterbodies placed into assessment category 4d will be targeted for strategic monitoring before the next cycle of assessments for that waterbody.  For waterbodies placed into assessment category 4e, the department shall evaluate progress towards attainment of water quality standards.  Please note that the department will submit waterbodies included on the REVISED Study List to EPA Region IV as water quality limited segments for inclusion on Florida’s 303(d) list in accordance with the Federal Clean Water Act. In addition, the department will request EPA remove waterbodies identified as Study List or 303(d) List Removals.

These assessments reflect the department’s current assessments for these waterbodies, but they are subject to change based on input received during the public comment period, which ends May 26, 2017.  During this period, we ask that interested parties submit their comments either electronically or by mail to Kevin O’Donnell at the address below.

For best results, print on letter size paper (8.5 x 11).

2017 Study Lists Removals (MSExcel)



Study List Removal Basin


Apalachicola - Chipola River (Pending)


Charlotte Harbor


Lower St. Johns River


Middle St. Johns River


St. Lucie - Loxahatchee Basins


Tampa Bay Tributaries

Last Modified: Friday, Mar 29, 2024 - 02:04pm