Additional Funding Resources

Coastal Partnership Initiative Grants

Through the Coastal Partnership Initiative (CPI), the Florida Coastal Management Program makes National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) funds available on a competitive basis to Florida's 35 coastal counties and all municipalities within their boundaries that are required to include a coastal element in their comprehensive plan. Florida's public colleges and universities, regional planning councils, national estuary programs and nonprofit groups also may apply for CPI funds, if an eligible local government agrees to participate as a partner. CPI grants provide support for innovative, local, coastal management projects in four program areas: Resilient Communities; Public Access; Working Waterfronts and Coastal Stewardship.

Clean Vessel Act (CVA) Grant Program

The Clean Vessel Act Grant Program is administered through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. CVA can fund up to 75% of eligible project costs relating to site preparation, equipment purchase, installation, operations, maintenance, sewage hauling and educational outreach. Applications are accepted year-round and are funded on a first-come, first-served basis. To receive CVA funds, facilities must provide public access to pump out equipment. 

Microfinance Guarantee Program

Administered by Florida Commerce and Enterprise Florida, Inc., the Microfinance Guarantee Program was designed to stimulate access to credit for entrepreneurs and small businesses in Florida by providing targeted guarantees to loans made to entrepreneurs and small businesses. Funds appropriated to the program must be reinvested and maintained as a long-term and stable source of funding for the program. To receive these funds, applicants must be an entrepreneur or small business with less and 25 employees.

Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program

The Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, administered by Florida Commerce, provides funding for economic activities, infrastructure improvements and housing rehabilitation. Funds have been used for wastewater and stormwater improvements, road improvements, rehabilitation of substandard housing, downtown revitalization, park facilities and other projects for public benefit. 

Water Restoration Assistance

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Division of Water Restoration Assistance provides financial assistance to fund projects that improve the quality and quantity of the water resources of the state.

Sequestering Carbon and Protecting Florida Land Program

The Sequestering Carbon and Protecting Florida Land Program is a new program designed to help increase the acreage of healthy forests in Florida by helping Florida landowners to make the long-term investment required to establish and/or maintain this valuable ecosystem. The program offers landowners incentive payments for conducting certain approved forest management practices that establish new forest stands. This program is administered by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Florida Forest Service and is funded by the state of Florida.

North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) Grants: US Small

The Small Grants Program is a competitive, matching grants program that supports public-private partnerships carrying out projects in the United States that further the goals of the North American Wetlands Conservation Act. These projects must involve long-term protection, restoration, and/or enhancement of wetlands and associated uplands habitats for the benefit of all wetlands-associated migratory birds.

North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) Grants: US Standard

The U.S. Standard Grants Program is a competitive, matching grants program that supports public-private partnerships carrying out projects in the United States that further the goals of the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA). The NAWCA conserves North America's waterfowl, fish and wildlife resources while producing a variety of environmental and economic benefits. Its success is driven by partnerships involving federal, state and local governments, nonprofit organizations, and community groups. These projects must involve long-term protection, restoration, and/or enhancement of wetlands and associated uplands habitats for the benefit of all wetlands-associated migratory birds. NAWCA requires a 1:1 match, and each grant and match dollar, except for indirect costs, must be linked to an acre acquired, restored, enhanced, and/or established.

National Fish Passage Program

The Fish Passage Program works with local communities on a voluntary basis to restore rivers and conserve our nation’s aquatic resources by removing or bypassing barriers. Our projects benefit both fish and people. The program also works with transportation agencies and others to improve road stream crossings so that the streams can flow naturally beneath them. The resulting infrastructure is more resilient to flooding and benefits communities by saving money in long-term repair and replacement costs. We collaborate with landowners to adapt water diversion systems so that the systems are efficient at retrieving and moving water as well as saving fish.

Natural Resources Conservation Service

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) offers financial and technical resources that help farmers, ranchers, and foresters conserve soil, protect water, and provide wildlife habitat.  NRCS's programs help people reduce soil erosion, enhance water supplies, improve water quality, increase wildlife habitat, and reduce damages caused by floods and other natural disasters. Application for these programs is voluntary and continuous; however, NRCS will periodically announce a cutoff date for yearly funding. NRCS provides financial assistance for selected conservation practices. The availability and amount of financial assistance can vary between states. Download the Florida payment schedules below to see which activities qualify, and how much financial assistance is available.

The Conservation Fund

Protecting land and water with high conservation value is essential for America's environmental health and its economic vitality. The Conservation Fund enables conservationists, government agencies, community leaders and land trusts to swiftly protect properties for wildlife, recreation and/or historic significance. Often a landowner's timetable to sell does not align with available funding from private and public sources. Our capital supplies the timely bridge financing that is critical to help our partners save important properties.

National Forest Foundation (NFF) Matching Awards Program (MAP) 

The National Forest Foundation (NFF) Matching Awards Program (MAP) is a competitive federal grant program with a 1:1 nonfederal cash match that has provided funding to benefit U.S. Forest Service lands for decades. MAP supports the implementation of on-the-ground conservation and restoration projects that have an immediate, quantifiable impact on the National Forest System. These projects provide a lasting impact to the lands, waters, and wildlife of the National Forest System through the alteration of the physical environment. Eligible projects are no more than 12 months in duration and start roughly two months after the application deadline. Projects should be consistent with or supportive of identified large-scale conservation initiatives. Eligible applicants include 501(c)(3) nonprofits, universities, and federally recognized Native American tribes.

National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA)

The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) periodically posts information about grant and fundraising opportunities that are available for park and recreation agencies and affiliated friends groups and 501(c)(3) nonprofits.

Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP)

Administered by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP) provides funding through competitive grants for boating access projects and other boating-related activities benefiting motorized vessels in Florida. Eligible program participants include county governments, municipalities, and other governmental entities of the state of Florida. Eligible program participants include county governments, municipalities, and other local governmental entities of the State of Florida. There are no match requirements for this grant.

Boating Infrastructure Grant Program (BIGP)

Federal grants program administered by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission used to develop, renovate, and maintain public boating facilities that target recreational transient boats 26 feet long and larger.

Florida Inland Navigation System (FIND) Grant Programs

The Waterway (WAP) and Cooperative Assistance Programs (CAP) are grant programs provided by the Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) that have been established for the purpose of financially cooperating with local governments carrying out public navigation, increasing boater access, local and regional mooring field management, public recreation/waterfront parks, inlet management, environmental education, and boating safety projects, directly related to the waterways and to alleviate problems associated with the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and associated waterways within the District.

West Coast Inland Navigation System (WCIND) Grant Programs

The West Coast Inland Navigation System (WCIND) established the Waterway Development Program to help member counties fund the planning and implementation of projects that address issues associated with public waterways. The program provides financial assistance for county projects related to navigability, recreational boater access, boater safety, and the marine environment. Qualifying projects must meet the purpose of one or more Waterway Development Program project categories.

Legacy Trails Program

Funded by the US Forest Service, the National Forest System Legacy Roads and Trails Fund, called the Legacy Trails Grant Program, funds projects that restore fish and aquatic organism passage, improve trail resiliency, preserve trail access, decommission unauthorized trails, and convert unneeded Forest Service roads to trails. The goal of the program is to support projects that restore, protect, and maintain watersheds on our national forests and grasslands. American Trails is administering this grant program, and is soliciting applications for funding, with awards up to $100K per project.

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

The Florida Department of Transportation's TAP focuses on improvements that create alternatives to transportation for the non-motorized user and enhancements to the transportation system for all users. Nine activities are eligible for funding including construction, planning and design of on- and off-road facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians.

Shared-Use Nonmotorized (SUN) Trail Network

Managed by the Florida Department of Transportation, the SUN Trail network is the statewide system of high-priority (strategic) paved trail corridors for bicyclists and pedestrians. The SUN Trail network includes a combination of existing, planned, and conceptual multiple-use trails, and is a refined version of the Florida Greenways and Trails System (FGTS) Plan’s Land Trails Priority Network. Other applicable allocations from federal, state, local, and private sources may fund improvements in tandem with the SUN Trail funded aspects.

Doppelt Family Trail Development Fund

The Rails to Trails Conservancy awards about $85,000 per year to support organizations and local governments that implement projects to build and improve multi-use trails.

T. Mark Schmidt Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Grant Program

The T. Mark Schmidt Off-Highway Vehicle Grant Program provides financial assistance to governmental agencies or eligible proposers to improve off-highway vehicle recreational areas or trails for public use on public lands. Through the Off-Highway Vehicle Titling Program, the state of Florida has been allocated funds for implementing this program. The primary purpose of the OHV Grant Program is to provide and/or improve off-highway riding opportunities on public lands by establishing and/or maintaining existing or new riding areas; provide environmental protection and restoration to affected natural areas in the system; provide enforcement of applicable regulations related to the system and off-highway vehicle activities; provide safety, training and rider education in the operation of off-highway vehicles; and if funds are available, acquire lands to be included in the system and manage, maintain and rehabilitate such lands.

Historic Preservation Small Matching Grants

The Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources provides state and federal funds for historic preservation to assist local, regional and state-wide efforts to preserve significant historic and archaeological resources and to promote knowledge and appreciation of the history of Florida. This program provides historic preservation grants on a competitive basis. The program does not fund operational support for historic preservation organizations, and annual appropriations are determined by the Florida Legislature. 

Historic Preservation Special Category Grants

The Department of State, Division of Historical Resources, provides state funds for historic preservation to provide funding to assist major local, regional and state-wide efforts to preserve significant historic and archaeological resources, to assist major archaeological excavations or research projects, and assist in the development and fabrication of major museum exhibits that will promote knowledge and appreciation of the history of Florida. The program does not fund operational support for historic preservation organizations, and annual appropriations are determined by the Florida Legislature.


Last Modified: Thursday, Oct 05, 2023 - 10:00am