What is FRDAP?
Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) is a competitive program that provides grants for acquisition or development of land for public outdoor recreation use or to construct or renovate recreational trails.

How is FRDAP Administered?
Florida's Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) administers the program according to Florida Statute and Administrative Code.

Who May Apply for FRDAP Funds?
Municipal and county governments or other legally constituted entities with the legal responsibility to provide public outdoor recreation.

How Do I Apply?
Applicants must submit a completed FRDAP Grant Application during an announced submission period. Applicants may submit up to two applications during the submission period. Applications must involve only one project site except for acquisition or development of sandy beach access.

What is the Maximum Grant Amount?
The maximum grant amount is $200,000.

What are the Match Requirements?
The local match requirement depends on the total project cost:
Total Project Cost, FRDAP Grant, Local Match
$50,000 or less, 100%, 0%
$50,001 - $150,000, 75%, 25%
Over $150,000, 50%, 50%

What Can I Use to Match a FRDAP Grant?
* Cash * Value of undeveloped land owned by applicant (subject to conditions) * In-kind services

How are FRDAP Grants Awarded?
Each application is reviewed to determine eligibility. Staff evaluates each eligible application according to Florida Administrative Code and assigns a final score. Based on the scores, DEP prepares and submits a recommended priority list to the Florida Legislature for funding consideration.

Where Do I Get More Information?
Department of Environmental Protection
Land and Recreation Grants
3900 Commonwealth Blvd., Mail Station 585
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000
Phone: 850-245-2501
Fax: 850-245-3038

Last Modified: Friday, Aug 16, 2024 - 05:33pm