Once the appraisals are reviewed and approved, either the applicant or the FCT will begin negotiations with the property owners. The applicant will be responsible for developing a Project Plan and a Management Plan. The Trust will notify the applicant when it’s appropriate to begin to draft the Plan. Funded applicants with pre-acquired projects will generally be asked to initiate development of the Management Plan right away. Funded applicants with partially pre-acquired and/or new acquisition projects will be asked to initiate Plan development once closing is fairly certain.
A Management Plan is required for all project sites acquired under the Florida Communities Trust Program. The Plan is typically between 15 and 30 pages, depending upon the size of the project, the condition of the natural resources and the extent of development and improvements on the Project Site. The Management Plan lays out the short- and long-range management objectives, site development plans, resource protection activities and long-term monitoring of the Project Site. The Management Plan should set forth the following:
  • How the site will be managed to further the purpose of the project;
  • Description of planned improvements to the Project Site;
  • Estimated costs, funding sources and implementation timeline; and,
  • The management entity and its funding source(s).
FCT has a Management Plan checklist that covers all the necessary topics that need to be included in the Plan. A completed copy of the checklist needs to be submitted with the Management Plan for review. The Management Plan must be submitted and approved by FCT before funds are delivered for a Project Site. Plans should be submitted electronically to your FCT Project Planner.
Last Modified: Saturday, Aug 17, 2024 - 08:34pm