Northwest Florida Regional Workshop - Stewardship and Revenue Reporting

The Florida Communities Trust (FCT) hosted a public workshop on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, to inform FCT grant recipients of their responsibilities and program requirements regarding Stewardship and Revenue reporting. Please register to view the workshop recording. After registering the webinar recording will begin. 

Annual Stewardship Reporting

The Stewardship Report provides a monitoring mechanism for both the Trust and the recipient to track the progress of the implementation of the management plan. Trust staff suggest reports be submitted electronically to your FCT Project Planner and should:
  • address all questions on the FCT Annual Stewardship Report Form (June 2024 version).
  • be about three to five pages in length, with supporting documentation
  • include relevant issues that may not be listed on the form
  • respond to any outstanding FCT review requests from the last site visit or last year’s report
  • include current photos that document the development and maintenance of the site, including all facilities, restoration projects and natural resource management
  • report any revenue generated on the project site (by the recipient and/or third parties)
  • discuss management plan revisions, if necessary
The Stewardship Report should report only on activities that occurred during the reporting period. If a cumulative format is used, then highlight or underline reporting updates to the last report. Recipients are required to submit an Annual Stewardship Report in accordance with Rule 62-815.013, F.A.C., and Rule 62-818.013, F.A.C.

Transitioning to Five-Year Stewardship Reporting

Once the project is fully developed as outlined in the approved management plan and the requirements in Rule 62-818.013(2), F.A.C., you may request that the Stewardship Report be submitted on a five-year cycle. To transition to the five-year reporting cycle, the recipient must provide:
  • written statement of completion certifying that the project site was developed in accordance with approved management plan
  • updated management plan, including as-built master site plan
  • photographs of all completed site improvements and restoration activities
Upon acceptance of these materials by FCT and a satisfactory site visit completed by staff, the Stewardship Report may be transferred to the five-year cycle.  


Last Modified: Tuesday, Jul 02, 2024 - 04:37pm