After a property is purchased with Florida Communities Trust funds, the recipient must install and maintain a permanent recognition sign (sign examples) along a major entrance road indicating the funding sources for the property acquisition. The acknowledgement sign should be:
  • at least 3 feet by 4 feet,
  • include the FCT logo (in teal, black or white), and
  • state that “Funding for the acquisition of this site was provided by the Florida Communities Trust using Florida Forever funds.” The next line should identify: “Acquired in year.”
  • Logo:
Florida Communities Trust Logo
When the recipient or other source contributes a match to the acquisition the following is suggested: “Funding for the acquisition of this site was provided by the other source and the Florida Communities Trust using Florida Forever funds.” The next line should identify: “Acquired in year.”
Recipients replacing older signs for projects acquired using Preservation 2000 funds should indicate the appropriate funding source, i.e., “Funding for the acquisition of this site was provided by the Florida Communities Trust using Preservation 2000 funds.”
FCT recommends you contact your FCT Project Planner to provide a mock-up of your sign before production.
Here are a couple examples:
Florida Communities Trust-DEP Staff-Preservation 2000 funding sign example

Florida Communities Trust, Florida Forever Funding sign at Pier Park in Panama City Beach


Last Modified: Monday, Sep 09, 2024 - 09:08am