Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program

Downtown view of the West Orange Trail in Winter Garden Florida
Established by Congress in 2014 and administered through the National Park Service, the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) Program is funded through the LWCF State and Local Assistance Program.
ORLP is a nationally competitive grant program that delivers funding to urban areas – jurisdictions of at least 30,000 people – with priority given to projects located in economically disadvantaged areas and lacking in outdoor recreation opportunities. These awards help underserved communities address outdoor recreation deficits by supporting projects in cities and densely populated urbanized areas that create new outdoor recreation spaces, reinvigorate existing parks, and form connections between people and the outdoors. Funds can be used for the acquisition and/or development of, or to substantially renovate obsolete, public parks and other outdoor recreation spaces. 

FY2023-2024 Submission Cycle and WorkshopUpdate!

Grant ProgramApplication WebinarGrant Submission Cycle
Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program
View the 1/26/2024 Webinar Recording
January 29, 2024 - February 29, 2024

FY2023-2024 Application Materials

The Round 7 Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program, Financial Assistance Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) includes the application package requirements and submission information. Download the Official Federal Round 7 ORLP NOFO.
Additional suggested resources include the Trust for Public Land (TPL), Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program Technical Assistance Toolkit, a step-by-step guidance document for local governments applying for ORLP. Click here to access the TPL toolkit site.

Application Workshop Materials

Nationally Funded Projects

Three Mile Creek Greenway Project

Manhattan Marsh Park

Johnson Oak Park

Last Modified: Monday, Aug 12, 2024 - 02:27pm